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Operation Northwoods: Makes the 9/11 conspiracy nuts not so nutty


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Paranoid college kid?

Do I think our government did it? Not necessarily

Is our government capable of such a thing? Absolutely

Would there have been a motive? Look at the war that was started using this event as justification

What did our government gain from this?

Millions of people signing up for and supporting the invasion of the oil rich middle east nations that were full of WMD hoarding terrorists. People willingly giving up freedoms in the name of "safety." How many laws and policies were put into place because of this event that were meant to "protect" us?

All I'm saying is that our government would have had the capabilities and motive to plan and carry out the attacks. I don't want to believe that is the case and more than likely isn't but I wouldn't put it past them. There is as much credible evidence for the official report as there is against it.

Hence the point of this thread; the government not only might be able to do it but laid out the framework to do something similar nearly forty years ago. False flag, amigos.

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The government has spent an insane amount of money on this war and many people within the government benefited financially from that spending. The administration at the time was full of individuals who would gain significantly from oil prices soaring and bringing in record profits

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The government has spent an insane amount of money on this war and many people within the government benefited financially from that spending. The administration at the time was full of individuals who would gain significantly from oil prices soaring and bringing in record profits

the best part about the "war on terror" is that its fighting a boogeyman. they can spend insane amounts of money on it forever, because you cant win a war against an intangible.

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