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Stellar reporting there, 10tv...


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Wasn't it you that had to have the instructor take 5 minutes to fix your gun because you forgot how to use it?

lol snap

Yeah, but it was more like 30 secs, and we weren't talking about MY lack of skills here... At least I'm getting better! :lol:

like you could get worse. ;)

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My buddy locked his keys in his car at my house once. I just hammered a flat head screw driver into the hatch lock. I was amazed how fast i was into his car.

I just leave piles of trash all over my truck and leave the windows down. Nobody has cleaned it out for me yet.

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I have an alarm on my car, so everything inside it is safe. :rolleyes:

Yes, my 12 year old POS has a very expensive (in it's day) alarm system on it. It's more for the convenience of keyless entry and remote start, but having the alarm doesn't hurt. I very rarely leave anything in it, and where I live isn't exactly a high crime area. Too many people around here aren't shy about stepping out the door and firing off a few rounds.

Back on topic, I am curious what this new method is. The thieves that hit at work once in a while must be old school, because they just pop windows.

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I was hitting about 70% on the target, do you want to take your chance and see if I can hit you? :D By the end of the day, the 50 ft down the sights exercise, I was much better than that 70% with a much smaller target.


Yeah, only becuase your target was "Ohio" :cool:

On the first exercise (the second mag, aiming for the black circle) I got 5 out of 7 on the black circle and the other 2 went into my nads.


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