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A Charitable Appeal: PLEASE Help the Needy this Holiday Season...


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I'm actually pretty fucking pissed about some of the stuff the families that my company "adopted" for Christmas are asking for.

There are a lot of very reasonable requests. Socks, shoes, pots and pans, food items that they might not otherwise afford for a holiday, etc.

And I fully expect that small kids won't have any perspective or tact in asking for things they need, rather than what they want. Kids are kids, and have the right to want unnecessary toys.

What pisses me off is that one of our "needy" families asked for "more Wii games," which means they already have a fucking Nintendo Wii. How many pairs of socks would that have bought?????

The other family, the mother asked for cooking supplies and other stuff I am happy to donate. The 43 yr old dad asked for a motherfucking X-Box 360.

I want to find an X-Box package, take a shit in it, and wrap it up for that jerkoff. He can open it right after he opens the socks and shoes I'm buying him. And no, they won't be fucking airforce one's. I'm buying him decent work boots, because he's seeking assembly line jobs, which (having held a couple in the past) I know require steel-toed boots.

The American poor really have it tough! They don't have enough new Wii games!

assholes are ruining my charitable nature for the people who really need it...

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Thats why i just buy some toys and drop to local fire station. Most of these people really need help then there are the others that are just lazy pieces of crap that have all these kids to get welfare and then sit home on there fat ass all day and suck up my hard working money. :nono::mad: that is all carry on.

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