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Well..... the bike manufacturer won a bike build off..... I wasnt gonna start this debate cause I know everyone has a opinion on it but it just grinds my rear when they put something like this up and it winds up so biased. It ended up a personality contest and not a build off. If you took and made jesse and jr stay in a room by themselves to build a bike...... jr would never come out cause the asshat cant actually build a bike from the ground up. jr isnt even in jesses league......... wheew. (end of rant)

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Jessie's bike is a work of art, what is so amazing is that it is well hidden.;) That bike has serious hp, fast, allot of torque, beautiful paint and flawless attention to detail and a gas tank that will allow you to actually enjoy it. I think it is flat-out gorgeous and I would love to own it and ride the shit outta it. There was very little of his bike that wasn't hand crafted, although what Jr did was simply amazing to me regardless of the vendors that helped him. It was still his vision and dream, the guy is so talented it is ridiculous. Think of all the talented people he uses to create the masterpieces, they all can say they had a part in that. Should Rick ever go over to PJD, it will more than likely be over for OCC. Now what OCC did was really cool, but not the appropriate build-off for doing it.........very stupid on their part!

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The problem was they had no guidelines. They said build a bike and we will see what the public likes better. JJ had a very nice bike but as mentioned before you can see that at about any rally. I think it's awesome he did the majority of it by hand, but the majority of his bikes look the same. His creativity is limited. I think it's great he feels he can ride that across the country, I wouldn't. It's a good bar hopper.

Juniors bike was cool, but he make the majority of his bikes to be show bikes. That's his business. It make it a lot of money why would he deviate from that. I'm sure had there been guidelines like you have to be able to ride to a certain destination or it has to be able to go at least X miles on a tank of gas, you would have seen a different bike. I think it was a cool bike, but I wasn't overly impressed by it. To say he has no fabrication skills is crap. He's built tanks and he's fabricated many parts for his past bikes. However he's not great at it and he understands that, which is why he hires people that are great at it. Again the bike is a show bike to sit in a companies lobby and nothing more.

I think SR went with Pooles drawing because he knew he couldn't compete with JJ and Jr. It gave him an excuse/out. I'm not saying it was a pile, because for what it was it was very cool but not a bike. Hell senior even knew it wasn't a bike. Whenever they ran the promos "Hey vote for my bike" he replaced bike with machine. He knew he was going to come in last and that he didn't build a bike.

I looked at the voting page but couldn't bring myself to vote for any of them. None of them stood out as a clear winner to me. They all were completely different and awesome in their own right.

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Those guys at PJD and OCC used to buy sheet metal from Jesse thats absolutley pathetic. As jesse said "That piece of shit has a 1 gallon gas tank". Sorry Jesse brought the chopper game to the top and jr and sr rode piggy back while Jesse actually fabricated parts.

Building a bike using stainless steel is damn near impossible. Jesse is the closest thing to a blacksmith we have in this country. Obviously Jr would win as his show is on that chanel. I agree with jesse that sr and jr couldnt turn on the equipment in his shop let alone use it.

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^^^^AMEN........ thats just what I was tryn to get at. its a bike BUILD off....... Jesese hand fkn made the most of that bike..... The fact that it was stainless (and Im not real up on my metals but know which ones arent easy to use.) was crazy..... With out rick neither junior or senoir could do much of anything by hand. who gives a crap when the frign thing is all cut out on a cnc machine or farmed out. and Ive seen comments knocking Jesse because of the"I built it all by hand" comment and they say "he didnt build the engine, rims.... well no shit. neither does most of any of the custom builders out there. Yes.... Jrs bike was nice looking.... but its just like all the other ones he builds which are fragn trailer queens. useless paper weights cause they arent built to enjoy.... just stare at. Theres is that much more of a degree of difficulty in Jesses bikes cause they can blast down the highway for as long as your ass can handle it..... safely. this popularity over substance is the very reason we wound up with the president we have let alone a REAL craftsman being recognized over a glorrified maufacturer

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Yeah I liked Jesse's bike the best...by a mile. You have to appreciate the time, blood, sweat, and details that went into that bike. Jesse is a true craftsman...and he did have a valid arguement that his was the only bike that you could really ride out of the three.

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