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Iran captured drone?


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Ever think that the drone was intentionally hacked by us to be planted in Iran? Let Iran think they have our technology, but it's really a bunch of other surveillance equipment that they just picked up and drug back into their "home" willingly... just like we wanted them to. Ie. a "trojan drone"

Jon Stewart has his tin foil hat on.... :)


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This is either a mock up, or the US isn't telling the whole story (for numerous reasons).

Supposedly the crash was spotted by a satellite and there was extensive damage. The picture on Iran TV looks like they just bought it off the shelf at Sam's Club. That thing doesn't even look like it had been in a slow controlled crash. So, either Iran was able to take control of the drone (highly unlikely, but so was the fact that we had malware running on drone consoles) and land it, the 'crash' didn't go down like some people in the know are reporting, or they whipped together a mock up in 4 days to parade on TV.

Just my .2

edit: If the US "lost control" of this thing...judging by the shape...wouldn't it pretty much just sorta 'glide' down to the ground? That could account for the lack of apparent damage.

Edited by InyaAzz
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I'm sorry I saw the pictures. If those fruitcakes shot that down A) I would kiss your ass and B) What the hell do those doumbasses have that could have tracked and fired upon that thing to bring it down in Prestine condition.

The pics I saw there is virtually no damage. The damn thing may have had a malfunction and went down on its own...

...Now to finish everything else that we always start we should invade that shit hole country to and take our shit back! Might as well do it right, you know like everything else we do... Or Or hear me out on this one. To protect ourselves from their bullshit we just fly a stealth bomber over the area and bomb the drone and say we have no idea what they are talking about.

The saying used to be, Marines - Policeman of the world. We all know that has changed to the USA - Policing the rest of the world and fucking our country up in the process.

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Ever think that the drone was intentionally hacked by us to be planted in Iran? Let Iran think they have our technology, but it's really a bunch of other surveillance equipment that they just picked up and drug back into their "home" willingly... just like we wanted them to. Ie. a "trojan drone"

Very good.

Deception is the majority of both defense and offense in war.

Half of everything you read and hear is false, on the average. (And sometimes half of what you see.)

That goes for both what Iran is presenting on the subject, and what the USA is presenting on the subject.

Self destruct mechanisms on important stuff seldom fail, on the contrary, they must be monitored to keep them from going off.

If drones lose telemetry, they go home. If they can't go home, they self destruct.

The next generation of "drone spies" look like rocks. Each is a portion of a net-centric grid of "rocks" scattered around the area of interest. Together they collect data and transmit. Individually they are rocks with some unknown worthless miscellaneous encrypted electronics inside.

Coming next is even smaller mobile devices that look like ordinary insects.

Btw, if aliens ever invaded, this is how they would do it. Tiny little devices that we'd never notice. *tin foil hat*.

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The next generation of "drone spies" look like rocks. Each is a portion of a net-centric grid of "rocks" scattered around the area of interest. Together they collect data and transmit. Individually they are rocks with some unknown worthless miscellaneous encrypted electronics inside.

Coming next is even smaller mobile devices that look like ordinary insects.

Actually drones are referred to as "trucks." The "rocks" are the sensor packages on the aircraft. Smaller isnt always better. The goal these days is multi-int platforms so you dont have single-int platforms out there.

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