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My Time at Walmart: Why We Need Serious Welfare Reform


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The only way to help the poor, is to keep them poor until they decide they don't want to be poor anymore, amirite?

i know you meant this comment as a sarcastic remark - but honestly, it makes sense (not your whole comment on following them around, just this part)

if people live off the system and do so comfortably, where is the motivation for them to change things? ive known people who get on assistance in a hard time and end up staying on it because they say they are better off financially living off the system than they are at a minimum wage job...yet if you work for minimum wage youre not poor enough to qualify for assistance. where is the incentive to work to better yourself, when somebody is providing everything you need and more?

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i know you meant this comment as a sarcastic remark - but honestly, it makes sense (not your whole comment on following them around, just this part)

if people live off the system and do so comfortably, where is the motivation for them to change things? ive known people who get on assistance in a hard time and end up staying on it because they say they are better off financially living off the system than they are at a minimum wage job...yet if you work for minimum wage youre not poor enough to qualify for assistance. where is the incentive to work to better yourself, when somebody is providing everything you need and more?

Seriously, thank you for framing your viewpoint in a civilized, concise way without resorting to massive amounts of hyperbole to make your point. I may not completely agree with all of it, but well put.

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My favorites are the ones with two carts. One with the WIC/Welfare items, and one full of non WIC/support items, beer, ding dongs, smokes, comfort items cuz man it's tuff out there waiting on the mail man.

You want to see real poor people try Africa, South America or any 3rd world country. I was on a deployment to Guyana. We had to start burning our trash because the locals on the "International Airport" were fighting over it. Then we had to start treating kids for burns because they would risk burns to get what scraps we wouls throw away.

Also watched the local military whip kids for stealing off our clothes lines. They wanted to ensure they didn't offend the rich American soldiers and they would not return.

Poor/needy is relative.

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if people live off the system and do so comfortably, where is the motivation for them to change things? ive known people who get on assistance in a hard time and end up staying on it because they say they are better off financially living off the system than they are at a minimum wage job...yet if you work for minimum wage youre not poor enough to qualify for assistance. where is the incentive to work to better yourself, when somebody is providing everything you need and more?

Me, sarcastic? Naaah. :p

Your idea of "comfortably", and my idea of "comfortably" is probably different.

If the people getting aid are happy with their life as it is, fine. What's the reason that the threshold is set to skew people towards "living off the system" rather than finding minimum wage jobs? And even at minimum wage, it's not like there's a ton of money left after expenses to save for college or put a nest egg into your 401k -- so you're still stuck supporting the elderly because they were living hand to mouth their entire lives.

And then you bring kids into the picture, it's obviously their fault that their parents are poor right? (sarcasm again). So, how soon in life do they need to understand that they can't have the gameboy or cable TV because their parents are poor?

How do you incentivize ambition when it's not innate? People don't even take care of themselves by eating right or exercising, so what makes you think you can somehow transform them to ambitious go-getters with some sense of self-pride -- they have to want it for themselves. Unless you want to fund giving poor people 'life coaches' or shrinks, because I doubt they have the spare income to hire someone to tell them how screwed up they are.

What's better than the Super Bowl? Hyperbole. Now' date=' listen....

Welfare queens are a myth. This girl is clearly lying. (read: Republican)[/quote']

One article doesn't change that fact. I can't prove she's lying, just as well as you can't prove she's telling the unbiased truth, other than validating she actually worked for Walmart.

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Ohh, then I saw this today too... maybe it looks like more people are gaming the system because more people are IN the system now.

Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income


O-bam-a! O-bam-a! O-bam-a!

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Yep, all his fault because everything he's implemented has been successfully passed right through congress...


Though I've got no excuse for why the Dems are such pu$$ies. It seems as if GOP members are like a nagging wife. They pitch a fit over every little reasonable thing that the Dems just give up reasoning or compromising anymore regardless of the consequences... "Yes, dear"-syndrome

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Yep, all his fault because everything he's implemented has been successfully passed right through congress...


Though I've got no excuse for why the Dems are such pu$$ies. It seems as if GOP members are like a nagging wife. They pitch a fit over every little reasonable thing that the Dems just give up reasoning or compromising anymore regardless of the consequences... "Yes, dear"-syndrome

It isn't Obama's fault? Really? But the war in Iraq was Bush's fault. You've stated that numerous times.

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I generally avoid that place like the plague, simply because the majority of the shoppers at the Walmart in Easton either destroy the place or have no idea how to properly and efficiently use the checkouts.

Easton is by far the worst Wal Mart I have ever been to. I drive to the one in Lewis Center becuase I refuse to set foot in that shithole ever again.

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It isn't Obama's fault? Really? But the war in Iraq was Bush's fault. You've stated that numerous times.

That was Bush's fault.

You don't understand the timeline of events? Study some history?

Bush asked for war, publicly and falsely declares Iraq has WMDs (not to mention Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11)

Congress approved

Bush signs order, we go to a war for almost a decade in a sovereign country using funds we didn't have (since he was simultaneously giving huge tax breaks for the "job creators" who didn't create any jobs in the last decade).

Obama wants economic stimulus

Congress bickers, GOP stomps their feet takes their balls home because he's a Muslim with no real birth certificate

Finally gets watered down stimulus, better than nothing

Obama signs order

So, yea...

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...Bush asked for war, publicly and falsely declares Iraq has WMDs...

I think you missed it. They found the WMDs (nuclear). Or rather, IAEA admitted recently that they knew all along, and didn't say anything. They were watching and waiting to see what would happen. The big batch was sent to Syria. Rumor would be that there are still two more collections of stuff hidden somewhere else outside of Iraq. (And one site inside Iraq.)

International politics is a game, and we're not allowed to play.

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Easton is by far the worst Wal Mart I have ever been to. I drive to the one in Lewis Center becuase I refuse to set foot in that shithole ever again.

Then you havent been to the one in Whitehall, or south High for that matter.

Morse Rd. Wally World has nuttin on those fine locations.

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That was Bush's fault.

You don't understand the timeline of events? Study some history?

Bush asked for war, publicly and falsely declares Iraq has WMDs (not to mention Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11)

Congress approved

Bush signs order, we go to a war for almost a decade in a sovereign country using funds we didn't have (since he was simultaneously giving huge tax breaks for the "job creators" who didn't create any jobs in the last decade).

Obama wants economic stimulus

Congress bickers, GOP stomps their feet takes their balls home because he's a Muslim with no real birth certificate

Finally gets watered down stimulus, better than nothing

Obama signs order

So, yea...

It was Clinton's fault in part for how he handled Mogadishu. OBL called us paper tigers because we withdrew so quickly and wouldn't stand and fight.

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ya best I heard NO WMD in iraq before of after invasion. absolutely no proof. <collin powell and little flask> smh

Not entirely sure what you're saying there.... but WMDs in Iraq and Obama's Change are both related to Unicorns.

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You have a source I can peruse?

Try the IAEA press releases. I don't think they are very proud about keeping the facts hidden for their own agendas. I suppose they held back, hoping to gather intelligence. I didn't know the IAEA was in the spy business.

Ok, I tried, and info is hard to find. It was a side bit when the news was looking at that "Cotton Spinning" plant at al-Hasaka.The UN and IAEA had found basic connections with Pakistan and North Korea. In a few of the articles it mentioned the IAEA pushing Syria toward either nuclear compliance or easing up on internal violence. The method was to release information about the transfer of technology and equipment that had occurred from Iraq to Syria. Specifically to the al-Hasaka "cotton spinning" plant. Which is trace radioactive, and inspectors aren't allowed to go there either. Still looking. Everywhere I had read about it is now very hard to find, as in gone. I was impressed when I saw it in the news, that it wasn't the usual odd ball news sources, but instead main stream news about the IAEA.

edit: ok... still trying to find what I originally read. But, the IAEA was triggered by a media report from Kuwait in 2006, that the plant was in al-Hasakah, and that it was using personnel and equipment from Iraq, Iran, North Korea and Russia. Interviews with Iraqi officers and enlisted in the Iraq War, determined that the equipment was trucked across the border to be hidden, shortly before hostilities. One of three or more locations. Some of which was chemical, not nuclear.

And what the heck does this have to do with Wal-Mart and welfare?

And why are there multiple generations of welfare families?

I blame everything on lack of math and science in high school, color TV, and game machines...

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That was Bush's fault.

You don't understand the timeline of events? Study some history?

Bush asked for war, publicly and falsely declares Iraq has WMDs (not to mention Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11)




There were no WMD's, only the building blocks for them, he wanted the world to think he had more power then what he was really holding. It was a chess move that he did not think we would call him out on, and we did.

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There were no WMD's, only the building blocks for them, he wanted the world to think he had more power then what he was really holding. It was a chess move that he did not think we would call him out on, and we did.

No nukes, but poison gas was every where. It moved. Was hard to find.

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