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Toughest Job Ever!


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On my third day, my boss handed ... me a mop and supplies to clean the bathroom, because the toilet was broken. It turned out not to be so horrible, but again, I quickly learned to swallow my pride.

OMG she had to clean a bathroom!! I really hope that was a joke, if not then that is the reason shit is going downhill; people just want everything handed to them. So she had to work at a busy "restaurant" for $3 over minimum wage and she gets tips at the end of it. Oh, you have to memorize all the drinks? She probably already knew how to make over half of the stuff in the first place and she better know how to make it, that's her job!

"My initial idea of working a leisurely part-time job was completely false"

So you wanted money for not having to do anything? I hope your writing career fails as much as your motivation to work

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seriously the author of twilight is either the biggest cunt in the world or a evil criminal mastermind that will someday rule the world. By the time those psycho underage sperm depositories hit the legal voting age they will also be open for business. They are already brainwashed to begin with so you know they are going to vote for the worst possible candidate while all the men are trying to bury their one eyed monster in their bottomless black hole thus incapable of voting for a reputable candidate.

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Just as I was tempted to remind my coworkers that they were new once, too, I wanted to tell customers that I was way over-qualified for this job, and hoped they’d see me on the street in normal clothes, not in khakis, a black T-shirt, bright-green apron and baseball cap.


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Funny, I was worried about the entire generation of kids role playing vampires and such in the basement... Didn't hurt much, they are all still too busy playing Warcraft...

Although that might be considered a serious hit on national productivity.

Should they be entitled and paid for that? It's a form of work/non-work, after all.

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There you go folks. The problems in American summed up by that young lady. The generation of entitled, spoiled little brats are old enough to vote now.

Bingo! These fucks are the reason I'm ready to move to the hills of nowhere at a moments notice.

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There you go folks. The problems in American summed up by that young lady. The generation of entitled, spoiled little brats are old enough to vote now.


Oh wait I am the same way. I severed my employment with a major car dealer in Columbus. bunch of fucktard car salesman. and sometimes down right threatening and unpleasant work envirnment... To shovel shit at a major horse farm close to bulah downs. Actually I rarely shoveled shit... I used the bobcat.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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Your right, I will never be a fluffer. You sir are a better man than me :bow:

:wtf: why would you go there? is it that you like to imagine men blowing other men?

some dudes on this forum display massive gay tendencies. :lol:

Edited by max power
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