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Kim Jong Il Dead


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Eh, no big deal, nothing is going to change in north Korea, its people will still be starving, naked masses relegated to either suffering a slow and tortuous death in the concentration camps and salt mines or an equally slow death pledging fealty to a man they revere as a god while they barely scratch out a living as a dirt farmer. The 1% of the population that lives above abject poverty will continue to live in fear of a bat shit crazy dictator that has people abducted, tortured, imprisoned and killed regularly. We should just bomb that entire miserable shitty fucked up country off the map for good and put ts people out of their misery.

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Hai gaiz, I have to leave the country for a few years, got a big promotion.

Plz refrain from bombing my cousins til I get back, or at least til i'm done bombing crazyskullcrushers long lost but not forgotten extended family, k thx bai.

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Daddy set the bar pretty low, so I'm not sure that we'll see drastic changes... unless he tries to earn his international man-card somehow. I, honestly, am not sure what I think our role should be in this. I'm tending to lean more towards the isolationist, but how much rope do we give a nuclear power with an unstable leader (as we have been led to believe)? I tend to feel that a country's treatment of its citizens is none of our business, but we can't sit back and let another 6,000,000 (insert oppressed peoples here) be slaughtered. Where is our line? Not that I have any impact on what happens over there, but I have to search for that compass-reset.

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