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Doing the righy thing can be a pita


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I got a $50 American express gift card for Christmas and used it to get has tonight. I knew I would go over but previous experience says pumps shut off when they reach the card limit. I was able to pump $79 and got the receipt and it said I was good to go. I did the honest thing and went in and have them a heads up and have been standing here for 10-15mins while he's on the phone trying to figure out how to fix it. I thought about just driving off but I guess I felt like I would have been stealing $30

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similar thing happened to a friend and i...we paid like $25 cash, put the pump on auto and werent paying attention...turned around and it was at like $39 and pumping...we were in HS and neither of us has any extra cash to make up the difference, and we were pretty stoned at the time...we just took off

how does that work? can you get in trouble for stealing, even though you pre-paid and it was the clerks fault? we didnt have the money to go back in and make up the difference since we only asked for 25

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Your story kinda made me laugh. I miss high school, getting stoned and getting into jams like that.

Reminds me of one time me and my girlfriend got really stoned and went to red lobster and ordered so much shit. Check comes, and we had to scrape together all the loose cash and change we had, and put like 4 dollars on a debit card to get out of there. I think i avoided an overdraft by like 15 cents. The manager kept coming to us instead of our waitress asking if there was ANYTHING else he could get us, "YEAH BOSS, keep the cheesy biscuits coming."

We spent like 15 minutes sitting there at the table trying to figure out how we were going to pay for all that food....

Oh yeah, now i remember why i don't smoke anymore.

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Good thing you did, Since AMEX would probably just charge whoever bought it for you the extra 29 bucks, Plus some other BS charge i'm sure.

I'm sure it was bought with cash at a gas station. Just a prepaid card in the little package.

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OK this makes since... But, i am confused why the pic of the chicks ass on the other post.

This is funny because I got a visa card for xmas and it had 50.00 on it today. I tried to let the truck get down to E or below and stopped to fill it up today.. BS took 48.90 so I got 1.10 left on it... :D

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