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Internet blackout planned...


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obama just sit there with his thumb up his ass and do nothing about it. because that's what he's been so good at doing thus far.

i dont like obama, but at least he knows sopa is bs

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This seems a bit dumb to me. I get the idea of SOPA, but most of these companies are overseas and the internet is sorta out there in existence, hence World Wide Web... so we mandate/punish companies within our boarders. That isn't going to stop the companies from making pirated copies. If people want bootlegs of things they will find them with or without the help of google. I guess someone in China could just create a new search engine and avoid the whole issue as our government wouldn't have any ability to filter it. Maybe the next step the government should make is just limiting all of us to websites based within our boarders...ugh

the other one called PIPA will target foreign based websites violating us copyrights. yes, these companies think they have the right to ask for control of the internet in the whole world.

it's one thing for these copyright owners to go after and procecute people for distributing their stuff without permission. but it's wrong for our gov to let them(the companies) police or have control of the internet like they want.

Edited by serpentracer
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the reason why google etc are against it is they can be sued by the content owners because they linked to a site with their content.

these companies are just using the sopa as a trojan horse to get full control of the internet period. which they've already demonstrated interest in doing by trying to get the FCC to hand over the "net neutrality" rights.

with that they can block you for example from being able to use google. you'd only be able to use their search engine.

or for example if ohio riders was owned by walt disney and time warner is your internet service provider they might not like walt disney and can block it's users from being able to use ohio riders.

I don't think it's written that broadly, and after reading the brief on thomas.loc.gov, an order to "cease & desist" still has to be approved through the court system, and there's a pretty rigorous process in place to help everyone keep on with business as usual, minus illegal activity. There's going to be a tremendous effort on the part of a company to show that a site has caused harm. Especially since many people, view internet exposure as a form of free advertising.

The scary part is this line: "Expands the offense of criminal copyright infringement to include public performances of: (1) copyrighted work by digital transmission"

Sounds like they want to crack down on youtube mashups but:

I'm no lawyer like Star Jones, so I can't say for certain:


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This is my very first post on OhioRiders.

It comes down to this. If you like the internet as it is now, the status quo, you will not support SOPA. You also understand we must preserve "net neutrality".

Since both political parties are now essentially employees of the corporations, the internet as we know it actually is in danger. All this free speech is not favorable to the "controlling interests", "the powers that be" or whatever you want to call them.

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