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Armslist Contest - January 2012


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Apparently they change the promotion link for every contest now... :nono:

So here is January's: http://www.armslist.com/?utm_source=c000016&utm_medium=plink&utm_campaign=p001029

What is this? Armslist does a contest every month. The top X people referring traffic to their site wins a prize.

You can post it on Ohio Riders, Facebook, MySpace, where ever you feel like. You just can't tell people to click it so we can win shit. That's against the rules.

Anything we win, we will give away on here. Might be a raffle. Might be a random give away. Might be for most posts. Who knows...

So let's get the ball rolling. Pass out that URL where ever you want. Click on it yourself when you visit the site. Whatever.

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