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Moonshine Lunch Run


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Well the 8th Annual Moonshine Lunch Run website is up and running.

I will be attending my 7th one this April, and I have to tell you that these rides are some of the best times I have had in all my years of touring.

It is in early April, so be prepared for some interesting weather, to say the least.

I camp at the family farm, dirt and gravel roads to access, so be prepared if you camp.

Cold weather gear for the sub-freezing weather that can come up. Wet weather gear for the rains that sometimes kick in.

I am leaving on Thursday late morning to get to the camp site, if you want to tag along, your welcome to join me.

Here is the website:


Sign up and lets get ready to ride, in April.

Ride safe all,


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Yea, it is a little flat, but the MLR is more about interaction with riders from all 4 corners of our N America, swapping lies around the campfires, and seeing some very interesting history and sites.

And of course, the food. From the barbecue Thurs. evening, the lunch and dinner on Fri., The burgers on Sat. and the Firemans dinner Sat. night, it comes down to being around some serious riders.

I have met people from every state, every province, and many countries. If I recal correctly, we had a couple riders from New Zealand last yr., they were halfway through a coast to coast to coast 6 month ride. Very cool.

The best part is that it is only around 250 miles away, ans easy ride home if it isn't what you expected. But from the first one, that had about 45 riders, to 2010, with over 3000, this just gets better and better.

You have nothing to lose but maybe a day or two, anyway you look at it, you get some miles in. :)

Ride safe all, and please, ATGATT.


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  • 1 month later...
My Best Man is from T-Town (teutopolis) and I went to college not too far up the road in Charleston.

Good riding is on the way over on the way back = Bloomington, IN and Brown County.

I could be up for this event.

Very good riding in Brown county!!!!

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I'll see you there Greg. I'll keep a lookout for a C10. ;) Last several years I've been on my ST13 but may ride the WRR this year in order to do the dirty ride. Man I miss Terry!

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I'm with you Indy. Terry had an 01 Connie like mine, and he always strayed over my way a secretly shot a few pics for his wall. And he was always trying to figure out my new decals and things.

I'm camping at the family farm again, so look me up if you can.

I have only seen one Sonic Blue 01 Concours other then mine, that was in 09. The rider was from Canada I think, I just don't see my color very often.

Well ride safe all, and Moonshine is for everyone.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just signed up and hoping to make it out there on Thursday. Let me know if anyone is meeting up somewhere. Tentatively planning on camping but if weather looks bad may change that part. First decent ride of the year...cant wait!

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