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He is so out of touch with what Americans want it's not funny.

"what americans want" as if every american wants the same things...:nono:

It's not the government's job to give me what I want, It's the government's job to do what is necessary to preserve my freedoms...Period

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"what americans want" as if every american wants the same things...:nono:

It's not the government's job to give me what I want, It's the government's job to do what is necessary to preserve my freedoms...Period

What the majority of Americans want.... I guess you got me there.

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"what americans want" as if every american wants the same things...:nono:

It's not the government's job to give me what I want, It's the government's job to do what is necessary to preserve my freedoms...Period

But he's not doing that, either. He's slowly stripping them away. Tipping point ahead...

Okay, I've stayed out of political stuff for quite awhile now, and I'm leaving it again. Sorry. This article just got my goat.

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But he's not doing that, either. He's slowly stripping them away. Tipping point ahead...

this is why we need ron paul...

there is no "tipping point", freedoms are slowly eroded away if nobody is vigilant in protecting them... when someone says "there ought to be a law" there probably oughtn't be one.

smoking laws in restaurants/bars for example...shouldn't it be that store owner's right to allow people to smoke in his/her own restaurant?

nope, gubmint says NO!

the bill of rights are absolutely paramount, and the number one issue IMO, the economy, healthcare, infrastructure, etc... should ALL be considered MUCH later than the preservation of our rights.

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smoking laws in restaurants/bars for example...shouldn't it be that store owner's right to allow people to smoke in his/her own restaurant?

nope, gubmint says NO!

pretty sure we voted on that in like 2006. the PEOPLE said no.

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The president's remarks are not open to guests, Disney said in the memo. Invitations are being handled by the White House. Park guests will not be able to attend without a White House invitation.


The elected president's remarks are not open to the free-citizen, tax paying electorate, Disney said in the memo. Invitations are being handled by the, by-the-people-for-the-people, White House. Free-citizen, tax paying electorates will not be able to attend without a, by-the-people-for-the-people, White House invitation.

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pretty sure we voted on that in like 2006. the PEOPLE said no.

So what happens when the "people" decide that motorcycles are far too dangerous for public roads?

Allow other people's liberties to be widdled away, and yours are sure to follow.

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ANOTHER vacation. Monthly now? Because two weeks in December wasn't enough. And the arrogance. I can't imagine the nightmares he creates for the Secret Service.


I don't need to imagine the nightmare he's created for America.

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Motorcycles aren't dangerous to anyone but the operator. Second hand smokes effects everyone in the vicinity.

One man's liberties end where another's begins.

* Disclaimer: I don't agree with the quote, but I also don't believe what I am arguing below*


Motorcycles crashes are at a much higher rate than cars (13.10 vs 72.34 per 100,000 in 2006) and cause injury to others as well as emotional damage etc. for the one in the accident as well as their family/friends. Taking them off the street would alleviate these issues as well as the "distress" others might have from dangerous motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic

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If you choose to drive a car that's small you are also putting yourself at risk.... clearly shows in the picture. I drive a very safe full size truck. I park on top of metros and Geo prisms when I can't find parking close to the entrances.

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Motorcycles aren't dangerous to anyone but the operator. Second hand smokes effects everyone in the vicinity.

One man's liberties end where another's begins.

Imprez has the first half, as for second hand smoke, the effects have been outrageously over-estimated, even if you sit in the "smoking" section, your risk for lung disease don't change appreciably, and you still have the freedom to patronize an establishment that doesn't allow smoking or sit in a non smoking section... Hooray liberty

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Don't like smoking? don't smoke.

Don't like guns? don't buy one.

Don't like alcohol? Don't drink it.

Don't like gay marriage? don't marry a dude.

Don't like drugs? Don't do them.

Quit legislating shit you don't like, cause eventually shit you do like will get legislated and suddenly you're a criminal, too

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