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SOPA, PIPA Stalled: Meet the OPEN Act


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OPEN has received support from technology giants such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others, but the Motion Picture Association of America complains in a statement (PDF) that the bill goes easy on Internet piracy.


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And the latest black eye against SOPA is a petition for the DOJ to investigate the MPAA for bribery after the CEO basically admitted to bribery of politicians in DC.

Wait a minute, there are politicians in DC who don't take bribes?

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I'm getting the feeling that SOPA was a trap. They make something that everyone can rally against, and then keep legislation at the ready with slightly less unagreeable terms so that eventually they will get something that passes and it seems better in comparison to SOPA. Its extremely common, just look at haggling for prices; you ask for more than you intend to get because then it makes the person feel like they are getting a deal.

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Imprez55 is right, and if OPEN doesn't pass, then they'll keep trying until they get something through as a line item on another bill.

I think it's about time everyone in Washington steps down, and we elect people who are willing to actually LEAD our country in the 21st century.

And if they don't, then it's time we remind Washington, and every level of government, where their power comes from.

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