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Dayton women are armed


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Stupid ass moron idiot jackoff Toby Hoover. I had some email correspondence with her and she couldn't refute any of the facts for pro carry I gave her. She relies on "what she feels" and diversionary tactics.

Anyways, good for all those women. They should be proud of themselves taking their own safety seriously.

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"Hoover said she questions whether many of the women who obtain conceal carry licenses do so simply at the behest of their husbands and partners who own guns. She said gun ownership does not usually make people safer."

Um huh? Doesn't make people safer? Threats not from strangers?

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Most anti-gunners are total air heads who's beliefs are based on their own emotions. Facts and statistics don't matter, what they believe is as real as the green sun and orange grass.

I'd love for her to explain how being armed, even with no training at all, doesn't make you safer. Unless your plan is to immediately hand your firearm to your assailant, its just not possible.

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I got mine for my own personal safety and because I have the right to so per our 2nd amendment. I have always enjoyed shooting. I also know if I pull it I will use it. Most women I know who have ccw is because they wanted it.

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