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Buying a Tablet


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So, I'm looking at the Sony Tablet S. And really liking it. My laptop recently died. But I mainly only browsed the web, viewed adobe pdfs, watched flash videos, made (simple) Word or Excel documents, and viewed powerpoint slides. The teblet has Android Honeycomb. idk what the hell that means, but i've been told it's a phone operating system made for simple computing. That makes me leery of word docs and whatnot. But, a friend said his Acer Iconia has Android and does word just fine.

So, I'm being paranoid, right? And this should do everything i need... Right?:D

Plus, I can get psone games. Can't wait to play the original Gran Turismo. :rolleyes:

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I don't want to come across as an Apple fanboy but in the long run you will be happy with an iPad. Reason is it gets more software updates. I like the android system but instead of all androids getting a software update with new features only select models get an update. I have had both and use them all around for business, home use, & travel. I ended up favoring the iPad in the end.

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I just purchased an Acer Iconia off ebay yesterday after researching and watching/reading reviews of android tablets (which included Sonys).

Knowing the reputation of Sony electronics, especially the Vaio line of computers I don't think you can go wrong by buying one.

I've used an android phone for over a year now, and have to say it's the best phone I've ever owned. I'm not an Apple fanboy or even an Apple supporter because I don't care for the high cost of the brand name or the locked down nature of their operating systems and applications. Having said that, the high cost does also buy you a quality product and quality service with Apple if you ever need it.

Google Android gives names to each operating system version they roll out. The current one is "Honeycomb" the next will be "Ice Cream Sandwich" and typically you'll want your device to be capable of upgrading to the latest and greatest for awhile. The specs should tell you that, or you can always check reviews of the device you're looking at on numerous forums and youtube videos.

As far as apps and games, make sure your choice supports the full android market and doesn't restrict you to Amazon or elsewhere. You can check the Android Market at market.android.com and see if the games / apps you are interested in are there.

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You will be sorely disappointed with any tablet if youre looking for a laptop replacement.

Unless you have a desktop that you can use for productivity, I would highly discourage it. Youre still in college too right?

On that note, there's not a larger app market than Apple. Fact and nothing Android fans can argue about that. Tho theres a lot of perks with Android tablets to include more versatility with flash and external storage. That sony looks huge, id just rather get a macbook air.

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Apple fanboy? Check. :D

App market? Check. Or so I hope. It's android. That means it can get android

apps, right? Well, I hope. it can get games from the playstation network thing.

And desktop? Check. kinda. Whenever I have anything big like a report, or matlab or something, I go to the computer labs in russ anyway to... "cooperate" with other classmates.

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Apple fanboy? Check. :D

App market? Check. Or so I hope. It's android. That means it can get android

apps, right? Well, I hope. it can get games from the playstation network thing.

Not necessarily. Some tablets that are android based are locked into either Amazon or Barnes & Nobles or other manufacturer app stores. It depends on their customization of the android O/S and you would have to root the device to get around that.

I do believe though that the model you're looking at is full android market.

If you have or create a google account, you'll also have access to google documents which is compatible with MS office files and honeycomb has support for adobe reader, flash etc. so you should be fine there.

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Tablets are just that tablets. They are not to replace a laptop. With that being said I take my ipad when I travel. I have access to Google Documents as well as dropbox. Either way you will get used tothe quirks of which device you pick. Just make sure if you go android that you get one that is upgradeable and has access to the full google app store!

I tried most of the tablets and just could not get away from the ipad. I like the ipad because I can watch my gopro hero2 on the ipad along with edit the videos when I'm taking a week long rip on the motorcycle.

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I like the ipad because I can watch my gopro hero2 on the ipad along with edit the videos when I'm taking a week long rip on the motorcycle.

oh snap. that may be a deal breaker. i've got a go pro. no editting available on android?

edit: i just downloaded windows movie maker on the school computer. it's all i've used before, so as long as i know it works. :-)

really, it's "replacing" a laptop, but the laptop was practically only used for browsing the web. i come to school to do homework. like right now. except that i'm browsing the web... :nono:

Edited by RSparky
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I have an HTC evo view 7” tablet running Android honeycomb and I love it. It's fast and responsive thanks to a 1.5 GHz processor and one gig ram. Has 32 g internal storage and a slot for up to another 32. GPS, Bluetooth, wifi and 4g connectivity. I can do pretty much anything I want with it including downloading torrents for movies and music and even streaming them to my big screen via mhl/hdmi. They retail for around.$260 on Amazon and e bay and are a much more convenient size than iPad or other 10 inch tablets. When I was shopping around I rented an Acer iconia from rent a center for 2 Weeks, hated lugging it around, this tab fits into my back pocket or into the pocket of my carhart.

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And that's the answer I was looking for. I have also heard that java is incompatible? Is this true?

now i just need to find it cheapest. Sony has their $100 off, which will be hard to beat.

The Java runtime environment? No, it's not supported in android but I don't think you'll miss it (unless you're studying java programming). Whatever functionality java websites gave you previously, most likely you'll find an app to replace it.

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I like my iPad quite a bit, but I would NEVER want to try to type a serious paper or do school work on it...it's more of a novelty item and not a laptop replacement. As long as you know this going into it, you will love your tablet.

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I just purchase a Le Pan TC 970 9.7 from amazon for 198.98. Does everything I need it to. If it doesn't then there is an app to make it do it. Things I like about it were the bigger screen and the ability to bump the memory up to 32gigs. 1 ghz speed but only 512 mB of ram which most OTS desktops come with. It also adobe flash for viewing sites which require flash plays. Convinced my mother to return her kindle and purchase one of these.


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If you are asking, I would recommend the ipad. The android OS is still geared towards tech savvy people, while Apple OS's are geared towards people who want to do more like what you are describing.

this FTW. My mother was upgrading her phone and as much as I dislike fruity fanboys and their overpriced closed source environment I told her to get an Iphone. She is a teacher so she is on comps all day but she never really learned the ins and outs. If you know someone who is technically inclined I would get the kindle fire and root it as an android device. That is the ideal situation if you are cheap and want an awesome tablet.

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Ive got Android phones and an Ipad.

The Ipad is a easier device to use and the app support is still better that the Droid, especially for the Tablets. However the lack of flash can prevent you from accessing some websites and Apples insistence that the Ipad does not have "files" is very annoying.

The lack of flash means for some things I have to use my phone or computer. Especially active sites like my daughters math homework website and some banking sites. There are now work arounds for most "file" issues but for some one who grew up on DOS and has been using Linux for years the lack of access to your files can be difficult. You cant really use a Ipad to store content it does not understand. Which means you cant use it to say upload a file from an external flash card to a website. Or download an unrecognized file and email it or put it in a DropBox account.

For my choice I'd get a Samsung or Moto tablet.

However my wife is the primary user of the Ipad and the school where she works uses Ipads a teaching aids so for her an Ipad is a better choice.

If you have a desktop then a tablet is a nice choice for a secondary device. They are more portable and more useable when you dont have a desk. There are apps to handle PDF, Word and Excel. They arn't MS so there may be occasional glitches in the viewing but they are pretty good these days.


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I will be the only one to say BlackBerry, so I gotta say it. I have a BlackBerry phone so it only makes sense. My playbook is currently "Bridged" to my phone sharing email, pics, vids, internet on my AT&T unlimited plan (I'm sure you all know tethering an unlimited plan is a no go) and anything else on my phone. Myphone is even streaming Slacker radio as I type. Plus it runs ported Android apps, like this......

Sent from my BlackBerry PlayBook via Runtime for Android Apps using Tapatalk

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Well I've had the tablet a couple days and gotten used to to it. I will say that it is convenient. It's nice to have in class and not obstruct my view of the board.

Choosing apps has been a pain because I'm a researching kind of buyer. Even when the apps are free.. Far the only thing I haven't been able to do that I've set out to, is print pdfs and word docs to my local printer. its not a big deal because school is 5 minutes away, and and I get free printing.

I do, however, miss the power of a laptop. Not only for printing, but some sites require the big name browsers, and or windows os or blah blah.. A laptop will be in the works but that's not to say that I won't be enjoying this toy.

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