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Just wondering if anyone on here is a current or former Tech or has a fair amount of knowledge of them, a 03 CTS to be specific. Might be doing some preventive maintenance later in the year and wanting to see if anyone would be willing to come out and over see some work, I plan on doing most if not all of the work, for some beers and food. There's some good roads leading to my place :D

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Timing belt, water pump, engine temp sensor just mainly looking for someone that knows their way around a Cadillac, I have a Uncle that's a master mechanic but he's getting old and cranky and says he won't go near it cause it's a pain in the ass :dunno: I have friends that know cars but they aren't too versed in cadi's. I have a car lift if that helps with anything and a decent selection of tools at my disposal if need be. Don't know when I'm going to get around to it just seeing if when I do I can have the help I'm looking for

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