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Go Pro Camera


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"BTW, how've you been? Haven't seen/talked to you since NinjaDoc's ride last year."

Not too bad. Shortly after the ride last year my wife found cancer in her breast and she has been battling with it ever since.

We used to enjoy riding together, hopefully she will be in better shape once the treatments are over by the end of this month.

Thanks for all the mounting tips.

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I mounted mine in weird places all over the bike. One of my favorite's is the rear axle mount that I made...

see: Axle mounted Camera in North Carolina on Vimeo

The helmet view looking straight ahead gets boring fast to viewers.

Nice vid! How were you able to mount that, and do you use your rear break ever? (not being mean, just an observation from that video)

In the very far future, I hope to mount it where the headlights are but on track fairings instead.

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Nice vid! How were you able to mount that, and do you use your rear break ever? (not being mean, just an observation from that video)


No - I don't use the rear brake...ever. At least not for braking. But I don't think I used the brakes at all in that video - just rolled off the gas a bit to slow.

The Ducati has a hollow rear axle and I made a mount to fit inside of that, with a RAM ball on the exterior. Then used a small RAM clip bar to hold the camera up so it didn't drag in the corners. I'll see if I can find a pic of it.

I've made some other RAM ball mounts for my friends using the swingarm spool hole - very easy to do.

On my tour bikes, I have about 5 RAM balls mounted to the bike so I can move the location around a bit - makes for easier to watch videos. Here's one mounted low on my Honda ST1100. Raw video with no music or editing, so it's kinda boring...


Vid from the handlebar mount on my BMW, I like the wide angle view it gives and you can flip the camera around to show the rider as well...



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I just picked up a hero hd2 and a bunch of mount, So put a mount on the right hard bag on the multi, i like the view, something a little different

I think that's the key to making better videos - different viewing angles. One, always used, static camera location makes for some very boring video.

I made a camera mount for the Kevin Schwantz Racing School that shows the rider's entire upper torso. This allowed the students to see what the instructor was doing in corners, braking locations, etc. made for some cool video (which Schwantz owns all of them, so I can't post any).

Pic of the mount...







Looks kinda industrial, but it had to be to cope with the high speeds they do. Thing was rock solid at 150 mph.

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I have a front-facing cheapo ebay HD dashcam facing forwards from the windshield mount, and another facing rearwards from the cargo rack. My gopro (by far the best image quality) is on the top of my helmet. People give me funny looks sometimes, but it really gives the best coverage. My cameras are for in case of an accident so I go for coverage (where were the cars and what color was the traffic light) and quality (license plates) over watchability. I don't care if the videos are boring - I only watch them if something happens.

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I just made a short video with one on our ride of mohican state park. You can tell where it is mounted and here are some different angles. (tank fairing, front fairing, Tail fairing)...I replaced the front windscreen with a clear one and it looks awsome... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv4yBWYKoaE

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Asside from my windscreen mount I made one of these DIY mounts,

it works great. Provides a nice view of the instrument panel.


My bike using the above mount...


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^ I would use a 1/4 nut in place the the wingnut - then I'd put the wingnut on upside-down so that the *base* of he wingnut comes into contact with the camera, not the "wings". Then a washer between the wingnut and camera. Much more adjustable fro direction of camera.

That only works on the straight section between the risers, otherwise you won't be able to get it level facing forward. Won't work with clip-ons, of course. I have a GPS mount there right now. I'm really impressed with the vibration resistance there - I wonder if he's using a nicer camera with dynamic stabilization... Cheap dashcams/helmet cams will suffer more from vibration.

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