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I need to protect myself, but there is a problem..


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I can't own a firearm, and I don't due to ridiculous leagal reasons (mistameanor for fighting) BUT, I still need to protect myself!

Thinking about a good tactical crossbow. That is the only thing I can think of. Maybe a crossbow pistol? What options do i really have to protect myself? I would appricate any input....I have a crazy ex-brother-in-law that says he is going to "take care of me". He knows I can beat his ass so I'm guessing he is packing courage :(

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First off, file for an order of protection, whether you think he's actually going to make good on his threat or not. At least if he does, and you have to react with force, the threat is on record.

Second, a Louisville Slugger is perfectly legal to own...

I'm assuming the conviction wasn't for domestic violence - if so, end of story, you're never legally owning a firearm, period, unless the laws change, and good luck on that happening (which it shouldn't).

Was your misdemeanor punishable by law (not your sentence, but could you have been) to a year or more in prison? That's the Federal disability, and we needn't move on to the state disabilities.

The state's disabilities:

No misdemeanor violence in the past 3 years,

Not more than one assault/negligent assault conviction within the past 5 years,

No convictions for resisting arrest in the past 10 years,

Not (ever) convicted of a felony, a felony drug offense, or assault when the victim was a law enforcement officer.

Again, I'm assuming that there are no felonies you're forgetting, are that you're not an addicted drug user, or any of the other disabilities - there's only this one nagging misdemeanor.

Also, as usual, when requesting legal advice, seek an attorney. I do my best to accurately frame the law, but I might be missing and/or over/understating something.

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Not trying to pry or say your lying but how bad was this disorderly conduct for fighting? I got the exact same thing on Halloween a few years ago cuz a guy dumped a beer on my fiancé and her friend at a party and it was only a $50 ticket with no court appearance required.

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Not trying to pry or say your lying but how bad was this disorderly conduct for fighting? I got the exact same thing on Halloween a few years ago cuz a guy dumped a beer on my fiancé and her friend at a party and it was only a $50 ticket with no court appearance required.

Oh no....they charged me with a felony, I paid $3,400 for an attorney and got it bumped down to a "disordly conduct" after many court hearings. I coped a pea.

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Obviously I can't spell worth a shit....lol

Nobody has answered my question. This guy says he is coming after me... And I have a bat a a big knife, I'm fucked


I answered it - ball bat, and file an order. Keep the phone handy, call the cops if he violates the order. Defend yourself as best you can with the bat.

A knife, if carried for "protection", is illegal in Ohio. You can certainly have one in your possession on your property, though.

You gonna have time to load an arrow in a crossbow? Ok, go with that. My guess is it will get you into trouble, but that's just a guess.

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Get some ductape, tape the knife to the bat, swing away - unless he has a gun in hand, then throw the bat at him for a distraction while you stab him in the foot - then go for the gun while he writhes over his wound. Once you have it, wait for the cops - bam, self defense:D

Or, you can simply lock yourself in the house when he shows up and make the 911 call then

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One other thing, pick up a copy of the "Principles of Personal Defense" by Col. Jeff Cooper, about $10 online, or if you're a cheap-ass you can find a .pdf online you can steal...

I'll summarize the 7 principles for you, you can work from there and probably figure out most of it:

- Alertness

- Decisiveness

- Aggressiveness

- Speed

- Coolness

- Ruthlessness

- Surprise

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You don't understand, this guy is not going to come over to my place to fight me. He has many guns. He would never try to fight me. He would be the kind of pussy that would shoot me from a distance or in the back.

Guess I'll take my chances with the bat, if he misses and his head will look like a Gallagar watermelon ;)

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Ok I see you ARE serious. you must defend yourself any way you can.

Take Blossers advice. Contact the authorities just so they know shit may go down.

I'd like to say most of the time it's just talk but the worlds a changing and crazy is what people do.

Take up Arms(whatever they may be) make a plan and defend yourself.

I blossers advice, but now I have a record, I'm on probation...to be honest the last thing I would contact would be the police :(

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Believe the law states you must wait minimum of 5 yrs from sentencing to get your record expunged, as long as you only have 1 offense, that is. So it may be a while before you can legally own a firearm - unless misdemeanors are handled differently than felonies?

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Get some of the strongest and nastiest pepper spray you can buy, that would for sure change his tune should it require it. Just because you are on probation, doesn't mean the police stop caring or won't protect you?:confused: If you have no record of a threat, than most likely what occurs next may not be in your favor......just sayin. And me thinks your ex bro in law is full of shit and just flapping his gums from a safe distance.

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should I get a sling-shot? you know the old school "rocket" over the forearm sling shot? I can put a large ball bearing in it. That would fuck you up at close range...lol

Sounds like it would be in your best interest to do "nothing" that would cause you to use force......seems like he is taunting you IMHO. Warn the cops about him, what have you got to lose besides your pride.

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should I get a sling-shot? you know the old school "rocket" over the forearm sling shot? I can put a large ball bearing in it. That would fuck you up at close range...lol

For fun, sure. Launching m-80's with one over top of a girl's softball game while hiding in the bushes at the train tracks at age 13 or 14 - priceless!

For defense, I'm thinking "no". Again, like the "crossbow as weapon", could come back to bite you.

Fists, ball bat, knife, pepper spray. Ordinary items meant for "defense", not "offense". Big difference in the Prosecutor's eyes.

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I suggest you go to therapy for anger management and stay off the juice. You were pretty much a complete prick the last time you were on the board and evidently you act in a similar manner off the board as well to get yourself in trouble the way you have. Start using your head and acting your age and you won't have to come on a public forum asking about weapons because you have troubles with the law and pissed others off as well.

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