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I need to protect myself, but there is a problem..


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So the genius sent me this pm last night. Imagine that, post your # to a public forum and you get weird phone calls. I swear I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

I got a couple of calls on my phone, some random shit i'm sure it wasn't you. i gave you my number to call me direct. don't be a pussy and don't fuck with me, why on earth would want to fuck with me? of all people...damn boy you have balls, i'll grant you that
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I suggest you go to therapy for anger management and stay off the juice. You were pretty much a complete prick the last time you were on the board and evidently you act in a similar manner off the board as well to get yourself in trouble the way you have. Start using your head and acting your age and you won't have to come on a public forum asking about weapons because you have troubles with the law and pissed others off as well.

I'm glad I could help and thanks sharoidbeast for proving my point that you are a pathetic, angry, argumentative, mentally unstable, roid rage, attention whore, male half naked picture posting whiny baby.

I knew if I let this thread go overnight like a nice crockpot dinner that that tough guy would show his true colors and you would all see him for the clown he is.

I need a good laugh on the way to work so please tell me more about your waste size again mmmkay. Kisses!!!!

Edited by flounder
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Wow just wasted like 10 mins reading all this stuff. But oddly enough I cant wait for more........... You know you could take the number and sign up for those promotional things at the mall.

This has been super entertaining. I feel as if I should send Ben a check because it doesn't seem right having this much fun for free.

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So the big bad tough guy is a woman beater? In that case I hope the ex brother in law has a good scope and is a good shot

Im not saying he is or saying he isnt.. Divorces and custody battles can be nasty and you never really know what happens. All I did was post the court filings and judgements. Feel free to read them all yourself.

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