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Trayvon Martin case will not go to the Grand Jury


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do objects in your home routinely surpass the ignition temperature of other objects in your home? are there any safeguards or barriers keeping those objects from coming into contact? if not, it might be a good idea to have some sort of fire supression system. If it's just adults in your house, and you all have brains in your heads, a fire extinguisher probably isn't necessary.

Now, how often are you assaulted and battered out of the blue?

Shot at?

if this is a problem, you might reconsider some of your lifestyle choices.

so what you're saying is, you should wait until horrible terrible things happen to you repeatedly and on a regularly basis before you consider risk mitigation.


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so what you're saying is, you should wait until horrible terrible things happen to you repeatedly and on a regularly basis before you consider risk mitigation.


"You don't say much my friend but when you do it's to the point and i salute you for it."

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In my various upbringings, I was raised to understand that a gun is nothing more than a tool. Different sizes and types have different purposes and all demand the user’s respect--just as, for example, using a chainsaw. Safety practices and consequences may differ, but in the end it is a tool and up to the diligence of the user.

Receiving that .22 rifle or 20-gauge around age 8 was a common rite-of-passage. Hell, I was a teenager before I realized that an oak gun cabinet wasn’t necessarily a standard piece of a living-room furniture set.

Early in our relationship, my Wife—who grew up in the city—was terrified of guns. She saw them only as a device for hunting animals or people. We respected each other’s beliefs, and that was that.

Several years ago her understanding developed, driven by several local events…and we do not live in a “bad’ area. Several local news reports of women being raped in their home by an unknown intruder…A coworker of hers had her throat cut in her own apartment (in what many consider a good neighborhood)…A local robbery and police running up and down our street trying to track down the armed-robber while she was home alone… She began to accept that people really are capable of malice, and that she was not immune. She resolved that she would not wait until something bad happened to her or me to empower herself.

She asked me to buy her a firearm and train her how to use it. She still does not particularly ‘like’ them (except for her AR with a holo/dot—that’s “the fun one”) but she accepts them as tools—in this case, as an equalizer bridging most any gap in size, strength, and bad intention.

Everyone needs to formulate their own beliefs and live (or not live) with any potential consequences of his or her decision. Hopefully (and statistically) none of us will never end up in a/another life-or-death situation, but I like knowing that we’ve at least got ‘options’.

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In my various upbringings, I was raised to understand that a gun is nothing more than a tool. Different sizes and types have different purposes and all demand the user’s respect--just as, for example, using a chainsaw. Safety practices and consequences may differ, but in the end it is a tool and up to the diligence of the user.

Receiving that .22 rifle or 20-gauge around age 8 was a common rite-of-passage. Hell, I was a teenager before I realized that an oak gun cabinet wasn’t necessarily a standard piece of a living-room furniture set.

Early in our relationship, my Wife—who grew up in the city—was terrified of guns. She saw them only as a device for hunting animals or people. We respected each other’s beliefs, and that was that.

Several years ago her understanding developed, driven by several local events…and we do not live in a “bad’ area. Several local news reports of women being raped in their home by an unknown intruder…A coworker of hers had her throat cut in her own apartment (in what many consider a good neighborhood)…A local robbery and police running up and down our street trying to track down the armed-robber while she was home alone… She began to accept that people really are capable of malice, and that she was not immune. She resolved that she would not wait until something bad happened to her or me to empower herself.

She asked me to buy her a firearm and train her how to use it. She still does not particularly ‘like’ them (except for her AR with a holo/dot—that’s “the fun one”) but she accepts them as tools—in this case, as an equalizer bridging most any gap in size, strength, and bad intention.

Everyone needs to formulate their own beliefs and live (or not live) with any potential consequences of his or her decision. Hopefully (and statistically) none of us will never end up in a/another life-or-death situation, but I like knowing that we’ve at least got ‘options’.

great post

"sure God created Adam and Eve, but Col. Colt made them equal"

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I'm starting to feel unprepared, since I only have one fire extinguisher. I do keep firearms on every level of the house except the basement (four level split). Now I will have to pickup a couple more next time I go to the hardware store. Each room might be excessive, but each level and the garage seems reasonable. Never really thougt about needing more extinguishers. Rep for scruit.

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whats the video say? i hate when they dont have even a summary of what's reported on the video

It said everything the legal-thinking folks here have said since day 1.

- Murder 2 is such a high charge it will never stick

- Seating a jury will be almost impossible - death threats have been received by Zimmerman, his family and attorneys. Nobody wants to eb an the jury that acquitted Zimmerman

- That the analyst believes that the Z will be found not guilty, or even the charges will be dismissed.

- The prosecutor's decision to charge at all is in direct conflict with the information available to her - potentially creating ethical/political questions about the decision to file.

- The prosecutor's affidavit to the court contained key information that the prosecutor's office either had no proof of and no way to back up (That Trayvon was "profiled") and was missing key exculpatory evidence (That the physical evidence all lines up with Zimmerman's story)

- The omission of exculpatory evidence in the court filings is, in the opinion of the analyst in the video, was intentional and illegal.

- That the prosecutor is taking sides - openly. She stated in the charging press release that she was seeking justice for Trayvon. Her officer is supposed to seek justice for all. She allegedly ignored and withheld evidence that showed that the charges against Zimmerman were an injustice on Zimmerman.

- That people complaining that Zimmerman was not arrested were misinformed - Zimmerman WAS arrested (we all saw the cctv from the police station and debated the apparent lack of head wounds). He was released soon after. Once state investigators got involved and charged Zimmerman he was arrested again, but released soon after.

- That Zimmerman was originally recommended for a manslaughter charge for not avoiding the situation (poor basis for a charge, but whatever). The analyst in the video noted that the police originally stated Manslaughter, then upon more evidence they released him without charge (they already knew the extent of Z's injuries and how they were consistent with his story - evidence the prosecutor had but did not disclose to the court). After the prosecutor got involved suddenly it became a murder 2 - a charge that could only be supported by the very worst version of events that the Martin camp could imagine - a version that they are backing off (they now accept martin was attacking Zimmerman, but they said he had a right to because he was being followed by a man with a gun, but evidence does not support that Martin was aware of the gun, consistent with Zimmerman's statement that the gun only came into play once Z was pinned)

- The prosecutor has raised everyone's expectations so high that when he's acquitted that there are likely to be riots that dawrf LA/Rodney King. This is becuase the media and prosecutors waged such an anti-Zimmerman war at first that they whipped the country into a frenzy - and now all that anger has to go somewhere once the judge cashes the prosecutor's reality check. Likely it will go into anti-zimmerman, anti-white, anti-hispanic riots.

- MY OPINION: That the witness changing their stories after national attention is a case of nobody wanting to be the witness that got Zimmerman aquitted. Too many death threats circulating.

Basically, this story is saying that the prosecutor should never have charged Zimmerman.

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It said everything the legal-thinking folks here have said since day 1.

- Murder 2 is such a high charge it will never stick

- Seating a jury will be almost impossible - death threats have been received by Zimmerman, his family and attorneys. Nobody wants to eb an the jury that acquitted Zimmerman

- That the analyst believes that the Z will be found not guilty, or even the charges will be dismissed.

- The prosecutor's decision to charge at all is in direct conflict with the information available to her - potentially creating ethical/political questions about the decision to file.

- The prosecutor's affidavit to the court contained key information that the prosecutor's office either had no proof of and no way to back up (That Trayvon was "profiled") and was missing key exculpatory evidence (That the physical evidence all lines up with Zimmerman's story)

- The omission of exculpatory evidence in the court filings is, in the opinion of the analyst in the video, was intentional and illegal.

- That the prosecutor is taking sides - openly. She stated in the charging press release that she was seeking justice for Trayvon. Her officer is supposed to seek justice for all. She allegedly ignored and withheld evidence that showed that the charges against Zimmerman were an injustice on Zimmerman.

- That people complaining that Zimmerman was not arrested were misinformed - Zimmerman WAS arrested (we all saw the cctv from the police station and debated the apparent lack of head wounds). He was released soon after. Once state investigators got involved and charged Zimmerman he was arrested again, but released soon after.

- That Zimmerman was originally recommended for a manslaughter charge for not avoiding the situation (poor basis for a charge, but whatever). The analyst in the video noted that the police originally stated Manslaughter, then upon more evidence they released him without charge (they already knew the extent of Z's injuries and how they were consistent with his story - evidence the prosecutor had but did not disclose to the court). After the prosecutor got involved suddenly it became a murder 2 - a charge that could only be supported by the very worst version of events that the Martin camp could imagine - a version that they are backing off (they now accept martin was attacking Zimmerman, but they said he had a right to because he was being followed by a man with a gun, but evidence does not support that Martin was aware of the gun, consistent with Zimmerman's statement that the gun only came into play once Z was pinned)

- The prosecutor has raised everyone's expectations so high that when he's acquitted that there are likely to be riots that dawrf LA/Rodney King. This is becuase the media and prosecutors waged such an anti-Zimmerman war at first that they whipped the country into a frenzy - and now all that anger has to go somewhere once the judge cashes the prosecutor's reality check. Likely it will go into anti-zimmerman, anti-white, anti-hispanic riots.

- MY OPINION: That the witness changing their stories after national attention is a case of nobody wanting to be the witness that got Zimmerman aquitted. Too many death threats circulating.

Basically, this story is saying that the prosecutor should never have charged Zimmerman.

thanks for taking the time to post that. now, tell me what happens in the twilight movies.

(lol, no seriously, thanks for posting it.)

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It said everything the legal-thinking folks here have said since day 1.

- Murder 2 is such a high charge it will never stick

- Seating a jury will be almost impossible - death threats have been received by Zimmerman, his family and attorneys. Nobody wants to eb an the jury that acquitted Zimmerman

- That the analyst believes that the Z will be found not guilty, or even the charges will be dismissed.

- The prosecutor's decision to charge at all is in direct conflict with the information available to her - potentially creating ethical/political questions about the decision to file.

- The prosecutor's affidavit to the court contained key information that the prosecutor's office either had no proof of and no way to back up (That Trayvon was "profiled") and was missing key exculpatory evidence (That the physical evidence all lines up with Zimmerman's story)

- The omission of exculpatory evidence in the court filings is, in the opinion of the analyst in the video, was intentional and illegal.

- That the prosecutor is taking sides - openly. She stated in the charging press release that she was seeking justice for Trayvon. Her officer is supposed to seek justice for all. She allegedly ignored and withheld evidence that showed that the charges against Zimmerman were an injustice on Zimmerman.

- That people complaining that Zimmerman was not arrested were misinformed - Zimmerman WAS arrested (we all saw the cctv from the police station and debated the apparent lack of head wounds). He was released soon after. Once state investigators got involved and charged Zimmerman he was arrested again, but released soon after.

- That Zimmerman was originally recommended for a manslaughter charge for not avoiding the situation (poor basis for a charge, but whatever). The analyst in the video noted that the police originally stated Manslaughter, then upon more evidence they released him without charge (they already knew the extent of Z's injuries and how they were consistent with his story - evidence the prosecutor had but did not disclose to the court). After the prosecutor got involved suddenly it became a murder 2 - a charge that could only be supported by the very worst version of events that the Martin camp could imagine - a version that they are backing off (they now accept martin was attacking Zimmerman, but they said he had a right to because he was being followed by a man with a gun, but evidence does not support that Martin was aware of the gun, consistent with Zimmerman's statement that the gun only came into play once Z was pinned)

- The prosecutor has raised everyone's expectations so high that when he's acquitted that there are likely to be riots that dawrf LA/Rodney King. This is becuase the media and prosecutors waged such an anti-Zimmerman war at first that they whipped the country into a frenzy - and now all that anger has to go somewhere once the judge cashes the prosecutor's reality check. Likely it will go into anti-zimmerman, anti-white, anti-hispanic riots.

- MY OPINION: That the witness changing their stories after national attention is a case of nobody wanting to be the witness that got Zimmerman aquitted. Too many death threats circulating.

Basically, this story is saying that the prosecutor should never have charged Zimmerman.

Video wont play for me so thanks for the write out.

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You almost have to be delusional at this point to see this case as anything but a political ram-job, meant to satisfy the mob.

so one litte detail can't change the blame?

who initiated physical contact?

did Zimmerman try to detain Martin?

all the evidence exactly the same, that one detail makes this an open and shut case of self defense through some weird circumstances to a murder charge... and as I've already stated, there is no other side of this story to hear...he's dead.

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so one litte detail can't change the blame?

who initiated physical contact?

did Zimmerman try to detain Martin?

all the evidence exactly the same, that one detail makes this an open and shut case of self defense through some weird circumstances to a murder charge... and as I've already stated, there is no other side of this story to hear...he's dead.

Until you can provide proof zimmerman tried to detain Martin we have to deal with the facts at hand. Your assuming that zimmerman tried to detain Martin. You know what assuming does right? I don't see why you can't stick to the facts. Oh that's right you have already made up your mind and have an agenda. Video evidence that showed zimmermans story to be 100% accurate wouldn't change your mind because you have an agenda!

So where do you get the bigger fire extinguishers like are in businesses? I think the garage warrants a bigger extinguisher.

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so one litte detail can't change the blame?

Sure it can. Where's that evidence? Is none, so all the conjecture and blame so far is political and wrongheaded, which was my point.

who initiated physical contact?

Evidence points to Martin. No evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Clear cut.

did Zimmerman try to detain Martin?

See above.

all the evidence exactly the same, that one detail makes this an open and shut case of self defense through some weird circumstances to a murder charge... and as I've already stated, there is no other side of this story to hear...he's dead.

Again, we're talking about what we have to go on, not hypotheticals. When you WANT the other possibility to be true to fit your narrative of the racist profiler, you're doing exactly, precisely what I said people are doing which is politicizing this.

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so one litte detail can't change the blame?

who initiated physical contact?

did Zimmerman try to detain Martin?

all the evidence exactly the same, that one detail makes this an open and shut case of self defense through some weird circumstances to a murder charge... and as I've already stated, there is no other side of this story to hear...he's dead.

Lol you really like to ignore near all my posts and questions to you, don't ya'....

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You don't have any evidence that martin initiated contact either... all you have is the word of the guy who would be guilty of murder otherwise... that's unbiased...:eyeroll:

And how the hell am I politicising it? I'm not running for office, I'm not petitioning against gun rights...

Wtf do I have to gain either way?

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"Evidence points to Martin. No evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Clear cut."

What evidence points to a Martin?

The only evidence at all, aside from Zimmerman's statement, about the initiation of contact points to Zimmerman. He was actively following Martin.

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who cares?

Race baiting assholes, that's who.

When it stops being about race and starts to be about crime then we will hear the truth.

Wait! just because he was black?


Obama's son? Get real.

And please notice we had no race trouble until Obama took over.

Just sayin....

Sad, all the way around. No winners here, just losers on all fronts.

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"Evidence points to Martin. No evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Clear cut."

What evidence points to a Martin?

The only evidence at all, aside from Zimmerman's statement, about the initiation of contact points to Zimmerman. He was actively following Martin.


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