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This really happened....SMH


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Can you believe that the mayhem got so intense so as to fog people's minds of the very constitutional rights we are entitled to here in the United States?? This is just sad. A side of the Katrina mayhem I bet you didn't know about.

Edited by Casper
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I heard about it awhile back. The group "oath keepers" have this as one of their points. I know some don't like that group but they believe the military and police should take a stand not to disarm the public, and use Katrina as one example.

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First I heard of this happening was today. WTF?

Really? I heard of this a while back, after the dust was settling from Katrina in fact. I believe I saw it on the TV actually and not just a youtube video (think it was the news, which is even weirder for me).

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You'd think the govt. would urge the community to keep good accountability of their personal firearms so as to protect themselves from looters and make sure they don't end up in the hands of those looters.

Nope govt wants all the power. They don't care if good citizens get screwed over. They protect the criminals and punish the innocent.

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I saw this awhile. Makes you think what you would do yourself if faced with a similar situation.

Yeah that's a toughy. It'd come down to throwing your constitutional rights in the trash and being treated like it, or standing up for your constitutional rights and probably die at the fault of mass ignorance. :nono:

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This exact thing is what the 2nd amendment is supposed to keep us safe from, wow this country is in deep trouble. I wonder how many folks resisted, and what if anything happened? The Constitution doesn't seem to be worth the paper it is written on these days.......sign of the times ladies and gentleman.

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