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...to "The King" for selling your bike out from underneath me. I understand you have to do what's best ofr you financially but the non-douche move would be to give me the courtesy of matching the offer. To a dealer no less that will just flip the bike for proift. Karma's a bitch. Thought everyone else would like to know...

Edited by ScubaCinci
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Lots of cincy people joined during the AFJ drama last week you goofballs.

Am I the only one that noticed that...geesh. That or major irony.

Anyway, unless you are a friend, I sell to whoever gives me money first. I still love the King no matter how much you fucking cry. Don't post crybaby shit when I've been hitting JB.

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Well, he really cant expect.someone to.hold a bike for.him cuz people always flake out. both other bikes I was interested in got.sold.b4 I got.a.chance to purchase em. I just thanked the guys for their time and went bout my business. Was mad? Sure, especially cuz I had the cash on me, but wanted to have my bro.check out the.bikes first and was a serious buyer. But hey first come first serve is how it goes. Now if this was.a.friend of.his that would be a douchebag move, but calling out a stranger in a public forum? Especially a new member... That is totally uncalled for and shit like that gets under my skin. I dont know why this guy seems to.think he deserves.some special treatment, but thats not.the way.things work.

I know.i play around quite a bit on here, but I can honestly.say I for real dont like this.guy in the least bit already, he is a rude.selfish prick. And I know im gunna get hated on for bashing this guy, but he has no right to.bash.someone else over some petty ass shit like this... This kind of shit is whats wrong with the world.

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I don't give fvck about the bike really...there are others. I already said I don't blame him for doing what's right financially. It's the lack of respect and courtesy that irritates me. I would've paid more if given the chance to match it. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things...I guess maybe I'm just old fashioned.

I offered last weekend to buy the bike Wednesday (yesterday) cash in hand but I was told I couldn't because he was out of town for work but yet he could sell it to a dealer.

You can delete the thread, flame me, whatever but that's how I feel.

Oh great... Hes from Cincinnati

Browns fan? :thefinger:

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Lots of cincy people joined during the AFJ drama last week you goofballs.

Am I the only one that noticed that...geesh. That or major irony.

Anyway, unless you are a friend, I sell to whoever gives me money first. I still love the King no matter how much you fucking cry. Don't post crybaby shit when I've been hitting JB.

This. First one to the door with the cash. When youre a seller you can rely on buyers all the time. Shit happens and buyers flake resulting in sellers losing a sale.

Unless youre family or friend, the sale goes to the first one on my doorstep with the money.

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Exarch & ohdaho...I was the first and was asked to wait. See above. The "dealer" I'm guessing Larry from the FS thread didn't offer until yesterday.

Anyway, I'm done with this. You guys can thinnk what you want.

The King - you may be a cool guy (based on the feedback here) but I still think you went about it wrong. Either way, no hard feelings...I just feel a little shit on right now and had to vent some. Best of luck to you and your family - sincerely.

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I don't give fvck about the bike really...there are others. I already said I don't blame him for doing what's right financially. It's the lack of respect and courtesy that irritates me. I would've paid more if given the chance to match it. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things...I guess maybe I'm just old fashioned.

I offered last weekend to buy the bike Wednesday (yesterday) cash in hand but I was told I couldn't because he was out of town for work but yet he could sell it to a dealer.

You can delete the thread, flame me, whatever but that's how I feel.

Browns fan? :thefinger:

FWIW, I'm not gonna join the dog pile. If it went down like you state, that's epic douche shit to pull IMHO, especially when it's a fellow OR guy or rider.

I would never sell to someone else if I had someone in the process that was ready to lay cash down, and if I was inclined to because a dealer threw an offer at me, I'd call the potential buyer and give him a chance to beat the dealer's offer.

Threads like these are always good tho, they are wonderful indicators of who not to do business with, so I'm happy when the personal ethics test pops up and people declare their resume so boldly.

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Scuba, don't take the responses the wrong way, but none of us know who you are. Introducing yourself by bitching about another member doesn't inspire a lot of empathy. I hope you find another bike, and a better deal...

Are you a new rider?

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I Have done that to buyers, had 3 people coming to look at the bike, warned them all of each other. First one came out and paid what I was asking. Done deal, the other 2 who were already on their way had to turn back and go home.

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FWIW, I'm not gonna join the dog pile. If it went down like you state, that's epic douche shit to pull IMHO, especially when it's a fellow OR guy or rider.

I would never sell to someone else if I had someone in the process that was ready to lay cash down, and if I was inclined to because a dealer threw an offer at me, I'd call the potential buyer and give him a chance to beat the dealer's offer.

Threads like these are always good tho, they are wonderful indicators of who not to do business with, so I'm happy when the personal ethics test pops up and people declare their resume so boldly.

If what he said was true that he had to wait for the seller to get back in town then yes it was fucked up. Would like to hear the other side of the story.

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Scuba, don't take the responses the wrong way, but none of us know who you are.

You mean like this? I also had my eye on a nice Z1000 so we'll see how that goes.

@Swingset, thanks. Maybe this was a bit childish but again I felt the need to vent and the FS thread was closed rather quickly.

Everyone will have their own opinion, that's cool, I can roll with it. BTW guys, I'm not a native Cincinnatian so you can't hold it against me too much :D

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