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Lucky you, wish I could sleep in :(. Twc doesnt give us the speed channel for free :( wish they would, actually there is 3 channels I want. Speed, mil history, and gsn, but all 3 come in diff packages and you cant get em individually.

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Have you tried watching Speed online? That is messed up that Time Warner doesn't at least have Speed. It is crazy what these companies charge for cable. Oh course there is the option of satellite but if you live in an apartment sometimes that isn't an option.

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Well twc used to have speed and mil history free till they changed their packages. I thought bout changing but I dont watch enough TV to make it worth it. The only time I watch TV online is during the.football season so I can keep up with my raiders :) 7am comes early, bout to hit the bed.

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Well twc used to have speed and mil history free till they changed their packages. I thought bout changing but I dont watch enough TV to make it worth it. The only time I watch TV online is during the.football season so I can keep up with my raiders :) 7am comes early, bout to hit the bed.

I was pissed when TWC took away my Military History channel, I miss R. Lee Ermy! But I dealt with it since we didn't want to add yet another pkg onto our bill -- However, I'll never ever ever ever be able to go without my Speed HD channel - 'tis the lifeblood of my TV racing season existence :bow:

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I was pissed when TWC took away my Military History channel, I miss R. Lee Ermy! But I dealt with it since we didn't want to add yet another pkg onto our bill -- However, I'll never ever ever ever be able to go without my Speed HD channel - 'tis the lifeblood of my TV racing season existence :bow:

I really only watched pinkys and a couple other show on speed(pretty much anything to do.with drag.racing) my wife is glad.mil.history is.gone.though, 90% of the time I was home.that was the only channel the TV was on lol. Now the damn Disney channel is the only channel.on.when the kids.are awake. im gunna try to get em to give me the mil history pack free after lookin at my bill today, apparently they been charging me for all the movie channels and a router(neither of which i.have) dunno how long they been charging me extra for, I usually never check my bill.

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