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Newly introduced Legislation: Secret Compartment OK if it's for a Gun. Woot!Woot!


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I'll take this.

“What originally could have been an unintended threat to gun owners has been modified to provide explicit protection to persons doing nothing more than securing their firearms in their vehicles,” Ken Hanson, legislative chairman of the Buckeye Firearms Association, wrote in a letter distributed at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Senate Bill 305 now would exempt hidden containers that are manufactured or advertised to be used to secure valuables, electronics or guns in vehicles. The bill also was “refocused,” Hanson said, to require prosecutors to prove that hidden compartments are used with the intent to transport drugs.

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im not exactly sure why we needed this law in the first place?

having the drugs isnt illegal enough?

ohh... i get it now...

OSHP Staff Lt. Chad McGinty says:

He said it is “frustrating” to watch suspected criminals drive away because their hidden compartments are empty.

so they dont have anything illegal in their car, but you still want to arrest them anyway because you suspect maybe they did have something illegal in the past? i bet its "frustrating" to not be able to arrest people who aren't breaking the law...

thanks OSHP... this whole thing is a joke...

Edited by John
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