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Cracker Barrel Shooting


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Leave the restaurant. A bunch of people did so.

The guy killed 2 and wounded 1. i heard he had to go to three different locations in the restaurant to hunt down and kill/attempt to kill his family. (wife at register, one daughter in bathroom, another in the party room.) After seeing a gun and hearing the first shot, I would feel obligated to step in and defend others. Let the courts sort out the details later...

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I'm not saying I think a CCW holder should have retreated in that situation; I'm just pointing out that there is a duty to retreat when the option exists.

Anywhere but in your home or vehicle, whether or not you had a duty to retreat is technically a question that a jury should decide. Everyone's personal feelings on HOW a jury should decide are irrelevant until they're seated on said jury.

I honestly don't know if I'm happy the cops killed this guy, or if I'd rather see him rot for 40 years, and then be strapped down and injected.

I really feel most badly for the poor girl who is still clinging to life... IF she pulls through, she's got a lifetime of issues ahead of her.

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Interwebz says Cracker Barrel restaurants do not prohibit CCW. Zooming in on the store front doesn't show any prohibit signs. It's possible some one there might have been CCW.

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I'm not saying I think a CCW holder should have retreated in that situation; I'm just pointing out that there is a duty to retreat when the option exists.

Anywhere but in your home or vehicle, whether or not you had a duty to retreat is technically a question that a jury should decide. Everyone's personal feelings on HOW a jury should decide are irrelevant until they're seated on said jury.

I honestly don't know if I'm happy the cops killed this guy, or if I'd rather see him rot for 40 years, and then be strapped down and injected.

I really feel most badly for the poor girl who is still clinging to life... IF she pulls through, she's got a lifetime of issues ahead of her.

So your saying that if a shooter points a gun at someone else and I'm there legally with my gun I have to retreat? That is not what it means otherwise the protect others part is impossible! If the person being attacked has the means to escape then you can't shoot. But how many people do you know that can out run (escape) a slug or shot fired from a shotgun?

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