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Fear of heights


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Go on a roller coaster or something. Maybe forcing yourself to be up high will do it. I know I was pretty afraid of heights before I worked at Dish Network for a summer. I slowly worked my way up from trailer roofs to 3 story houses with a full extended 20ft extension ladder. Was still kinda scared up there but it wasn't as bad as before I worked there.

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I wouldn't consider myself afraid of heights, but I am afraid to stand painfully close to the edge of a roof or other tall object. I have terrible balance (I have almost fell over just standing up many times) so me being afraid of being too close to an edge is protective for me. It is healthy to be afraid of some things as a survival mechanism. So are you afraid of being in a high place, or in a precarious situation in a high place (standing on a roof vs standing on a roof with your toes over the edge)?

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I wouldn't consider myself afraid of heights, but I am afraid to stand painfully close to the edge of a roof or other tall object. I have terrible balance (I have almost fell over just standing up many times) so me being afraid of being too close to an edge is protective for me. It is healthy to be afraid of some things as a survival mechanism. So are you afraid of being in a high place, or in a precarious situation in a high place (standing on a roof vs standing on a roof with your toes over the edge)?

I am like this. I do not trust my legs to not freak out and throw me off the roof. If it is flat or has a ledge I am good for sure. Its the steep roof or ladder that spooks me.

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Being afraid of heights doesn't really have anything to do with military service.

Unless, of course, you're one of the crazies who wants to jump out of perfectly good airplanes (and get paid - heck, I would've done it for free, it's too much fun)! :D

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Fear of heights and fear of loud noises are the two items almost everyone is born with. So it's normal, and it does take effort to overcome. Or not so much overcome, but to tolerate while still maintaining rational thinking ability. Your wanting to ride some roller coasters isn't a bad idea. Exposure to the fear without actually having a threat. A little work out on a trampoline might not be bad either.

edit: I don't have a fear of heights. So it's easy to do something stupid. There are good reasons to fear heights.

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I do but its getting better. I always love the rush I get from coasters.

The last few times I had to get on a roof or go up a tall ladder I reassured myself and just went out on faith that I would be fine. I had no issues and no scared feelings.

For balance try walking in heals...or on your toes.

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Pussy :D

I am what I eat

Im afraid of height and still served 6 years. I dont see the relation between heights and serving?

I've always been told that you have to climb logs and shit. That's no bueno for me

I wouldn't consider myself afraid of heights, but I am afraid to stand painfully close to the edge of a roof or other tall object. I have terrible balance (I have almost fell over just standing up many times) so me being afraid of being too close to an edge is protective for me. It is healthy to be afraid of some things as a survival mechanism. So are you afraid of being in a high place, or in a precarious situation in a high place (standing on a roof vs standing on a roof with your toes over the edge)?

both. I hate anything where I'm off the ground. Don't like elevators, the escalators at the airport. None of it lol


actually want to. Looks fun as hell

I could always take you up and make you want to jump out of the plane

first callin me a pussy, now want me up. Are you coming onto me? :D

I don't have a fear of heights. I have a fear of falling to my death.

There's a difference.

this. All of this.

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I've always been told that you have to climb logs and shit. That's no bueno for me

. I hate anything where I'm off the ground. Don't like elevators, the escalators at the airport..

I hate everything off the ground too and as many times as ive been on a plane(100+ times) I hate it every single time, but when u.have no choice....

Surprisingly the.logs were fun, I was the fastest person in my class on that event. Im terrified of heights, I dont even like being on the 2nd floor of the hospital or close.to the. Rail on the 2nd floor of the mall... Shit, I dont even like swings :lol: ...I dunno why, when I was younger I used to love heights and do.some crazy.shit, I gained my.fear.of hights around 17 or 18, dunno why either :dunno:

And look bro, when u got a drill sargent up your ass the LAST.thing your thinking about is the hight issue. there is only 2 times that you HAVE to(besides planes) do hight activities.

Its really not that bad, victory tower and the climb to victory tower were the only 2 scary parts, but youll live and have no choice but to do either one of those. The worst part is thinking about it(and looking down) but just think, you do those 2 shitty events and your done with the worst part. if I knew my old photobucket pics ide show you pics of all the events, but you can look em up online.


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when u got a drill sargent up your ass the LAST.thing your thinking about is the hight issue.


This is what I was thinking too, if everyone else is doing it in a butt fierce hurry I'm sure you'll pull through too; and I HIGHLY doubt you'll be the only one there with a fear of heights. Unless you go for Airborne, then you're screwed:D

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Realize that if you are standing on a step ladder or a 50 foot extension ladder, there is no difference. Yeah maybe a little more wind but shit, you're not doing anything differently 50 feet in the air than you are 3 feet in the air. And remember, it's not the fall that hurts, it's the sudden stop. :D

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