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beard lust

kawi kid

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I have never been able to grow a beard. I'm jealous of ones who can but I found this funny.


If anyone wants to hook me up with some hgh to help me out I'll be the lab rat :) lol

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I cant stand to wear facial hair and I've sadly got plenty to remove regularly - I tolerate a goatee for about 2 weeks before I take it back off, just bugs the shit out of me for some reason. I'm a furry fella and deal with that fine (except for the ocassional undie tug on my junkfuzz) but my face/head is the worst to deal with.

I used to be able to tuck my hair into my pants way back when, was hot as fuck in the summer, was a pain to wash, and after an hour long set of playin' some headbangin' metal it was a total rats nest that took 20 minutes to brush out....:nono:.....so I shaved my noggin' back in the late 90's and have loved every minute of it. Havent owned a comb/brush since :D

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