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Lost my friend yesterday


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At the risk of sounding a little crass -- a new dog goes a long way to ease the pain!

Our 16yo terrier, best dog ever (of course!) passed a few years ago, and last year we got a rescue shephard mix who is progressing to be the NEXT best dog ever...they sure are a blessing.

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Thanks, all.

It's amazing how present he was in so many of our routines. Waking up, meal times, leaving, coming home, watching TV, bedtime, etc...We are realizing as much each day.

On another note, he loved his toys...especially any size or shape ball. In his last few months, he was particularly attached to a tennis ball he found at my S-I-L's house. We made him keep it outside, in the back yard, as it was always damp and mushy. It was the first thing he'd go get when we put him out, and we'd have to coerce him to leave it to come in the house. He was successful at sneaking it inside a couple times. This morning, we found it sitting on the front porch, just outside the door...The tears flowed.

We will definitely bail out another, but in time. Too much for any pup to live up to.

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