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Cleveland bomb plot discovered


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The five were "controlled by an undercover FBI employee," and agents had them under extensive surveillance for a long period of time. The explosives they allegedly purchased were inoperable.

so this is pretty muchlike every other "plot" that has been "foiled" recently... which is to say there was no plot and nothing was really foiled.

the FBI send in an undercover agent who is basically like "hay guyz, i want to blow stuff up". then any idiot who is dumb enough to be like "yeah me too!" ends up getting arrested...

but there is no plot without the cops making the plot in the first place... then they get to report it all over the news about how there are terrorists everywhere... even though they are only stopping the plots that they started in the first place. i guess they gotta keep the public scared somehow...

Edited by John
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so this is pretty muchlike every other "plot" that has been "foiled" recently... which is to say there was no plot and nothing was really foiled.

the FBI send in an undercover agent who is basically like "hay guyz, i want to blow stuff up". then any idiot who is dumb enough to be like "yeah me too!" ends up getting arrested...

but there is no plot without the cops making the plot in the first place... then they get to report it all over the news about how there are terrorists everywhere... even though they are only stopping the plots that they started in the first place. i guess they gotta keep the public scared somehow...

don't say yes to wanting to blow shit up and being part of a plot. Thats their own dumbass fault if this theory is correct. Either way, fuck them for being degenerate low lifes of society

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don't say yes to wanting to blow shit up and being part of a plot. Thats their own dumbass fault if this theory is correct. Either way, fuck them for being degenerate low lifes of society

uhh duh.

the point was more that nothing is actually "discovered" or "foiled". there was never any danger of it blowing up in the first place.

but it makes great news about how awesome the cops are for foiling the terrorist plot... that is entirely of their own design.

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uhh duh.

the point was more that nothing is actually "discovered" or "foiled". there was never any danger of it blowing up in the first place.

but it makes great news about how awesome the cops are for foiling the terrorist plot... that is entirely of their own design.

so what? Get em a little good PR for a change. No harm no foul. Its Cleveland for gods sake, the FBI doesn't have much to do I'm sure

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this has pretty good details of the events that took place


According to the FBI, the five thought they had purchased two improvised explosive devices with a C4 remote detonator. They suspects placed them at the base of the bridge Monday night. At 9:09 p.m., the FBI said the suspects tried to trigger the explosives with a remote access code and the bomb did not go off. The five were then arrested by agents who were monitoring the group via video.

The FBI said the bombs placed at the bridge were duds.

Read more: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/cleveland-fbi-makes-national-security-arrests?dkajdadThe#ixzz1tdG428Hy

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Its kinda like the show bait car. They put people in situations they normally would not be in to entice them to misbehave. Some say entrapment, some say preventative measures. I lean more towards preventative measures because if they are willing to steal a car that was placed in front of them or blow up a bridge because someone asked them if they wanted to, what is to say they wont do something else if given the opportunity.

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