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Cell phones and cages

Photos by Marty

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After yesterday's commute home, I am convinced that there needs to be a ban on cell phone usage while driving.

Heading down 90 West in the Lakewood / Rocky River area I just about became road kill.

Lady driving some sort of Toyota sedan chatting away on her phone. I'm on my nice bright red Kaw, Yoshi race exhaust (honest it was on the bike when I bought it :D), 140 Db airhorn and bright red Joe Rocket jacket. I see her start to come over and lay on the horn. She moves back and then immediately comes right over! Mind you my exhaust is right at her driver side window.

Lay on the horn as she puts me onto the shoulder and just about into the median wall.:eek:

Get on the brakes and avoid hitting anythng and get in right behind her. Start flashing my high beams on and off to get her attention and she's oblivious. She finally moves over and I pull up next to her while laying on the horn. I shoot her the bird and give her one of those shoulder shrugs to say "WTF?" She takes her free hand off the wheel, continues to talk and looks at me with a shrug to say "what's your problem?"

I was half tempted to get behind her and follow her until she got off the freeway so that I could start cussing her out. Fortunately, I had other places to be and opted to take the high road.

Next time, I won't be so nice!

Edited by Photos by Marty
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At least you were paying attention and avoided a crash.

Good call taking the high road, too, as it really isn't worth escalating it any further - flip them the bird and roll out.

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Again, not the phone that is the problem, its shitty drivers...

Ban cell phones, they will read books, ban books they will eat food, ban food they will shave their legs... it will not end simply by treating the symptoms...

I believe all the safety features and automated systems in cars have made drivers way too complacent...

Leave the cell phones, take out the automatic transmissions, seatbelts, airbags, power steering and power brakes, let darwin sort it out.

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Leave the cell phones, take out the automatic transmissions, seatbelts, airbags, power steering and power brakes, let darwin sort it out.

I can maybe find common ground on eliminating slushboxes, but all those other things protect ME from YOU more than they eliminate YOU from driving like an ___________ (teenager, blue hair, crackhead, clueless idiot, etc).

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Ban cell phones, they will read books, ban books they will eat food, ban food they will shave their legs... it will not end simply by treating the symptoms...

This. I'm AMAZED at the number of people I see on the highway who are reading books while driving. Books. Not their Mapquest directions, but BOOKS.

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At least you were paying attention and avoided a crash.

Good call taking the high road, too, as it really isn't worth escalating it any further - flip them the bird and roll out.

This. It is your duty to keep you safe. You should be use to this sort of thing happening and prepare for it.

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Ban cell phones, they will read books, ban books they will eat food, ban food they will shave their legs... it will not end simply by treating the symptoms...

Completely agree. They're talking now about outlawing texting while driving. They can outlaw whatever they want, doesn't mean peopel are going to do it any less.

Anyone seen anyone speeding lately? Dangerous, illegal, and they'll do it while txting and eating.

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I put up a video this week of riding down rt54 and approaching an intersection where cross traffic stops, I had right of way. It's a bad place because there is a blind corner before hand so I know to watch out for people pulling out because they can't see you. But this moron in a jeep looked right at me and still just pulled right out as I breaked and laid on the buzzer they call a horn. He then flips me the bird? :wtf: Can't see the hand signal in the video from the rear glass tint but still. No cell phone is required for people to be idiots.:rolleyes:


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If it were me, I probably would have punched a mirror on that one.

This. I've done this on my way down to Cinci on 71. Some jacktard in a small truck decided he want to occupy the same space as me. I horned the idiot and then he got mad and actually tried to force me out of the lane. I was on his right side, so I accelerate up, pull my left hand back (wearing full race gloves) and knocked his mirror around and broke it. Then I kept going. Fuckin' dickhead.

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This. I've done this on my way down to Cinci on 71. Some jacktard in a small truck decided he want to occupy the same space as me. I horned the idiot and then he got mad and actually tried to force me out of the lane. I was on his right side, so I accelerate up, pull my left hand back (wearing full race gloves) and knocked his mirror around and broke it. Then I kept going. Fuckin' dickhead.

Carbon fiber knuckles FTW


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Kicking cars, knocking mirrors off?

I understand being mad at drivers that aren't paying attention - see it enough no matter what vehicle I'm in/on.

But, IF someone's made you mad enough to kick their car or smack a mirror, and you pull up alongside them and slow down enough to exact your revenge, what makes you think they won't just yank the wheel toward you and "win" the bitchfight you've got going on?

If I'm in my 6700 lb. 3/4 ton and you're on your bike, guess who's still driving and who's on the ground?

Honk, flip bird, yell: OK.

Destruction of property: pretty sure you could get arrested or a ticket at best, dead at worst.

Seems that the smarter (and less satisfying) option would be to slow down, let them go on their merry/oblivious way ahead of you, and live to ride another day.

just my humble $0.022 worth.

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I have those same gloves, but in black.

Have to say, though, I imagine if I have time to punch their car I have time to get away from them. I've been in a similar situation and my first thought has always been to get away.

We should be allowed to turn in video of idiots on the road and have them ticketed for it.

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Fuck kicking a mirror...shoot them (claim they where trying to kill you with their car/truck)...

Isn't hitting them with your train good enough for you? :D

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When people do that(and my kids are NOT in the car) they can expect a few 1 finger salutes, the horn, tailgating, break checking, me going out of my way to not let em pass while keeping them at a very slow pace and if they get in the passing lane I will keep them there, following them for miles out of my way, getting out of my car at a light, throwing shit out the window at them, and whatever else I feel necessary to make them feel as uncomfortable as possible(like they made me felt)

Im sure as hell not the bigger man in these types of situations, now if they give a lil wave(as to say sorry, didnt see you, but I acknowledge I almost hit you) than thats understandable. Shit happens, but outright doing shit on purpose or totally not paying attention to the road requires punishment.

I cant even count how many times ive had to avoid an accident in my car because people are idiots and it pisses me off to high hell. Ive had 3 close calls on my bike due to people not giving a fuck though and thats some scary shit. I try to stay a few car lengths back on my bike to give myself an out and ill even slow down some when I see a car that wants to turn so I have more reaction time if they do something retarded.

Fuck all you cellphone using, newspaper reading, cutting fuckers off cuz ur in a hurry, non paying attention assholes out there, I hope you wreck your cars into a telephone pole or off a cliff and die.

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Riding home today, I got behind a guy who was talking on the phone AND looking through paperwork. I was like, who's steering??? I got around and past him real quick.

Now, tell me more about these air horns???

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