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Cell phones and cages

Photos by Marty

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How exactly?

you can argue that not everyone follows the law, which is true.... BUT for most part people pay more attention when breaking the law. Dont believe me? When you speed 15+mph are you gunna be looking for cops? Umm.... Yup :)

Same applies for most other laws, but hey if they are breaking it they atleast pay more attention to the roads.

Oh, also, most peoole would just go ahead and not use their phone, not all, but most.

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This from a guy who states:

I usually blow by cops at 10mph over in the left lane without so much as a glance. All my tickets are 20mph+ over the limit.
You've invalidated your own argument and from what little time I've been here seems to be par for the course for you :facepalm:
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Once again, I'm going to politely ask you to please leave us alone. So here it goes, "Please leave." Secondly, I am going to point you back to my comment in the same thread you referenced.


you can argue that not everyone follows the law, which is true.... BUT for most part people pay more attention when breaking the law. Dont believe me? When you speed 15+mph are you gunna be looking for cops? Umm.... Yup :)

Same applies for most other laws, but hey if they are breaking it they atleast pay more attention to the roads.

Oh, also, most peoole would just go ahead and not use their phone, not all, but most.

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This from a guy who states:

You've invalidated your own argument and from what little time I've been here seems to be par for the course for you :facepalm:

ive never been pulled over for 10 over now have I? Nope... and until I do I will continue to pass cops at 10 mph over.

and if thats invalidating my statement than no one on this forum is entitled to an opinion.... I obviously see the cop and choose not to slow down less than 10mph above the speed limit. So everytime someone here is driving they obey the law 100% of the time, even infront.of.cops..... Those of yall against seatbelts may not put it on when u see a cop, but.you sure as hell do.when your about to get pulled over.

Whatever, ill stick to my opinions you stick to yours and we can agree to disagree. Hope you dont wreck while on your phone, even worse hope u dont kill someone. I would hate to see you get put away for driving distracted.

I speed, you text, he drinks, she yells at the kids. Its all wrong, only difference is speeding is less likely to cause you to.kill someone.

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Once again, I'm going to politely ask you to please leave us alone. So here it goes, "Please leave." Secondly, I am going to point you back to my comment in the same thread you referenced.


We will see, btw im pretty sure phones will eventually be banned while driving in all states so obviously the government doesnt give a shit.if.you dont want another law.

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Fuck all you cellphone using, newspaper reading, cutting fuckers off cuz ur in a hurry, non paying attention assholes out there, I hope you wreck your cars into a telephone pole or off a cliff and die.

Hope you dont wreck while on your phone, even worse hope u dont kill someone. I would hate to see you get put away for driving distracted.

Are you just a walking contradiction?

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Are you just a walking contradiction?

Someone didn't pick up on the sarcasm :rolleyes:

Honestly though, I hate hearing about accidents or near misses that should have never happened. Im sure every single person on this forum has been put into a very uncomfortable position, yes.even you, due to a distracted.driver. And.im sure it happens to most of us pretty.often(atleast once a week or so)

I dont know all your driving habits, you dont know all mine, but im sure we can all agree on some laws all of us break daily.

1) merge lane violation(not using a signal 100% of the time and/or going into the lane not nearest to you when turning)

2) speeding (1mph over is still speeding)

3) going faster than 35 in a school zone(doesnt matter what day of the week or what time it is or what the speed limit on the road is, most of us do the road limit when the sign is flashing, ive never ever seen anyone slow to 35....) Ask a cop if you dont believe me on this law, I personally didnt know about it till last year.

These laws we typically break every time we get in a car/on a bike, but texting while driving is 1000000x more dangerous and its perfectly legal in Ohio... I think this is a load.of.horse.shit and something needs to be done about it.

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Ya i always just kick the shit out of peoples cars if they are stupid next to me. Banning texting or using a phone would be ridiculous and the world would become this images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpY0V_V8JhSUiGX3DgO2h2ESevxcMoEJD7qW6osWlQHGU3KuGhqXXVoJx-zA


28% of all reported accidents were caused by a cell phone... makes you wonder what % of near misses are caused by cell phones... My guess 75+% this is scary considering its LEGAL

35% of accidents are caused by dui drivers, more than cell phones, but not by much. Imagine what that number would be if it was LEGAL to drink and drive? Probably 80+%... See my point?


You might as.well be driving.drunk.if your driving and using a cellphone. You cannot argue statistics... You just.cant, its impossible... Only a 7% difference between cellphone driver and a drunk driver, thats pretty fucking scary in my opinion.

Edited by Exarch
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Bullshit, unless the cellphone somehow took control of the car, the accident wasn't caused by the cellphone, it was caused by a shit driver.

Dude, you cant argue with statistics. Your point is invalid, click the links, im not making this shit up. Cellphones impair your judgment, just like being drunk impairs your judgment. You CANNOT tell me both.dui/cellphone drivers dont carry.the same.trait.

Hmm both.swerve, both dont pay attention,.both turn without looking, both are very likely to cause accidents, even a 5 year old can see.this. Have you ever saw a cellphone driver but didnt see the phone till you passed them? You probably confused them for a drunk driver, I know I have.

Ive drove.drunk.countless.times and never ever came close to a wreck(back in my teens) and I used to talk/text(in my teens) while driving and never came close to an accident. nOTE I USED to, not anymore. I was young and dumb.

Just because some people can drive drunk/distracted doesnt mean everyone can, it only takes a split second and 1 mistake to wreck. People need.to devote 100% of their attention to the road. shit man, do you know how hard it is to text and walk? Or how hard it is to text and watch TV? Or text and have a convo with someone? Pretty fucking hard, same goes with talking on the phone. Now you imagine driving, but you cant pay attention to the things I mentioned while you arnt driving? How the hell can you expect to.do it while driving?

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Not arguing with your statistics, I'm arguing with your premise...

All automobile wrecks are caused by shitty drivers (except those caused by animals, mechanical failures, and natural disasters)

I don't care what else the driver is doing, that is up to them... point is that you cannot blame cell phones for car wrecks, you can't blame guns for homocides, and you cant blame spoons for heroin overdose

Edited by magley64
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...the morning ride in had a bit of justice.

In the section highway where it is 4-lane(divided) and woman in a Trailblazer was in the left lane, going slow. So I swung over to pass in the right lane, and noticed she is talking on her phone. As I started to pass, she started to speed up...so I slowed down...she slowed down....now this was probably unconscious on her part, since she was on the phone and not paying attention.

I remembered the construction up ahead that dropped the speed limit from 70 down to 60, and the highway patrol has had officers sitting there all week....so I slowly sped up to 80...the Broad actually kept pace with me!! Right before the top of the hill(where the speed limit dropped, and the cops were hiding on the other side) I let the throttle off, and she took off like a shot!

Seeing those flashing lights pop on were never so beautiful!!!:D

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Here's the basic problem.

- Drunk drivers cause accidents and deaths.

- Cellphone user cause accidents and deaths.

Simply outlawing these things will not stop them from happening, even with huge fines or jail time. The only things that will stop them happening are effective enforcement (you WILL get caught) or physically preventing them from happening.

- Red light / speed cameras are effective as they catch almost everyone who breaks the law.

- DUI interlocks are effective because a drunk can't start his car.

But nobody wants to put interlocks in every single car because they are too invasive, and nobody likes red light / speed cameras because they are too effective (or run in an apparently corrupt manner).

So we're back to square one - no effective enforcement of laws and no physical barriers.

Meanwhile, Drunk and cellphone users kill more bikers.

Second verse, same as the first...

(I'm Henry the 8th I am...)

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Whatever, ill stick to my opinions you stick to yours and we can agree to disagree.

Hope you dont wreck while on your phone, even worse hope u dont kill someone. I would hate to see you get put away for driving distracted.

I never said I did such things, or even want to. I just don't think there needs to be a law against it...especially one that's unenforceable. In fact, since people will still be doing it, they'll start trying to hide it and put themselves and others at even more risk. Good job guvment.

Here's the basic problem.

- Drunk drivers cause accidents and deaths.

- Cellphone user cause accidents and deaths.

Simply outlawing these things will not stop them from happening, even with huge fines or jail time. The only things that will stop them happening are effective enforcement (you WILL get caught) or physically preventing them from happening.

- Red light / speed cameras are effective as they catch almost everyone who breaks the law.

- DUI interlocks are effective because a drunk can't start his car.

But nobody wants to put interlocks in every single car because they are too invasive, and nobody likes red light / speed cameras because they are too effective (or run in an apparently corrupt manner).

So we're back to square one - no effective enforcement of laws and no physical barriers.

Meanwhile, Drunk and cellphone users kill more bikers.

Second verse, same as the first...

(I'm Henry the 8th I am...)

Well said. :cheers: Let me refine my formula, more laws = less freedom != increased public safety :D

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Isn't the ban already already in effect for commercial truck drivers? If it is I can't tell.

More laws that aren't enforced rather than utilizing the ones already in place.

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A lot of good that did :rolleyes: I can count 10+ texting on my ride home from work every day.

You prob would of counted 20 :) also if its not well known its useless.

Also there is a texting ban in Cincinnati

Just an FYI

If thats true + 1 for Ohio, now make it a state law :)

Isn't the ban already already in effect for commercial truck drivers? If it is I can't tell.

More laws that aren't enforced rather than utilizing the ones already in place.

No clue, but some states have a ban also military bases have a ban.


I never said I did such things, or even want to. I just don't think there needs to be a law against it...especially one that's unenforceable. In fact, since people will still be doing it, they'll start trying to hide it and put themselves and others at even more risk. Good job guvment.

Well said. :cheers: Let me refine my formula, more laws = less freedom != increased public safety :D

More people will buy Bluetooth :)

Here's the basic problem.

- Drunk drivers cause accidents and deaths.

- Cellphone user cause accidents and deaths.

Simply outlawing these things will not stop them from happening, even with huge fines or jail time. The only things that will stop them happening are effective enforcement (you WILL get caught) or physically preventing them from happening.

- Red light / speed cameras are effective as they catch almost everyone who breaks the law.

- DUI interlocks are effective because a drunk can't start his car.

But nobody wants to put interlocks in every single car because they are too invasive, and nobody likes red light / speed cameras because they are too effective (or run in an apparently corrupt manner).

So we're back to square one - no effective enforcement of laws and no physical barriers.

Meanwhile, Drunk and cellphone users kill more bikers.

Second verse, same as the first...

(I'm Henry the 8th I am...)

Nothing can stop the problem, obviously, but it can help reduce the problem and then proper law enforcement can reduce it.further.

...the morning ride in had a bit of justice.

In the section highway where it is 4-lane(divided) and woman in a Trailblazer was in the left lane, going slow. So I swung over to pass in the right lane, and noticed she is talking on her phone. As I started to pass, she started to speed up...so I slowed down...she slowed down....now this was probably unconscious on her part, since she was on the phone and not paying attention.

I remembered the construction up ahead that dropped the speed limit from 70 down to 60, and the highway patrol has had officers sitting there all week....so I slowly sped up to 80...the Broad actually kept pace with me!! Right before the top of the hill(where the speed limit dropped, and the cops were hiding on the other side) I let the throttle off, and she took off like a shot!

Seeing those flashing lights pop on were never so beautiful!!!:D

:lol: thats great. I think they do It unconsciously because it is the only refrence point they have to go on cuz they are more than likely not lookimg at the road or speedometer and just using their perfrial vision to somewhat keep up with traffic and keep.somewhat straight.

Not arguing with your statistics, I'm arguing with your premise...

All automobile wrecks are caused by shitty drivers (except those caused by animals, mechanical failures, and natural disasters)

I don't care what else the driver is doing, that is up to them... point is that you cannot blame cell phones for car wrecks, you can't blame guns for homocides, and you cant blame spoons for heroin overdose

I get what your saying, same with alcohol. Your right in that sense, but who likes to blame themselves :confused: the easy out is hey the cellphone made me do it :rolleyes::lol:

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