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cop hits a rider head on


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Anyone saying he got what he deserved is and arse! At no time does anyone deserve to be hit head on just for a trafic vialation! That is some crap! I have seen this b4,but it makes me more and more mad! The passenger or the rider could have been killed! Hell cops arent allowed to just shoot at you let alone break every bone in ur body! NO ONE DESERVES THIS!

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for her, how do you know it wasn't a guy, you know what they say about texas, just a bunch of steers and queers. j/k but yea i think he got what he deserved, bet he doesnt' run again.

Derek Muzquiz, 25, and his passenger, Cynthia Arredondo, 31

Unless Cynthia had a Sex change and was Anthony at one time.. I doubt it.:rolleyes:

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Anyone saying he got what he deserved is and arse! At no time does anyone deserve to be hit head on just for a trafic vialation! That is some crap! I have seen this b4,but it makes me more and more mad! The passenger or the rider could have been killed! Hell cops arent allowed to just shoot at you let alone break every bone in ur body! NO ONE DESERVES THIS!

Well I look at it this way, He riding over his head in the streets of the city.

He wipes out and takes out 5 or more people on the Sidewalk because he didn't want to stop for just a traffic violation. What about then???

It is all hindsight, what if's. The first job of a cop is to protect the bystanders not the criminal. By stopping a chase they are doing just that,

Now as I said before with him having the passanger it should have not been handled the way it was.

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Anyone saying he got what he deserved is and arse! At no time does anyone deserve to be hit head on just for a trafic vialation! That is some crap! I have seen this b4,but it makes me more and more mad! The passenger or the rider could have been killed! Hell cops arent allowed to just shoot at you let alone break every bone in ur body! NO ONE DESERVES THIS!

Actually it looks like the officer was setting up some sort of a road block and got there late. Pulled into the other lane and was turning back as the rider attempted to go around him. The officer doesn't look like he was plowing intentionally into the rider head on.

He didn't get cut off because of a traffic violation, he was getting chased because he was evading police. What kind of dumbass runs because he ran a red light? the same type that deserves to get his ass handed to him for not stopping for police. The rider is responsible for the passenger not the police. It was his choice to run and put the passenger and others on and around the streets in danger.

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I totally agree that running is bad. The guy is not a criminal because if he is then we all are(Who hasnt broken the law?)! The Passenger has no choice once the chase starts to do anything but hold on and is at no fault. POLICE CANT JUST ATTEMPT TO KILL PEOPLE! Running is bad,but not as bad as a dui or stunting in the middle of traffic with kids around. So the guy ran a red light and decided to run from the Police.At that point the police should just let them go and not give chase! The other cop was in the right place at the right time and if cop #1 never chased the bike wouldnt be doing 100+MPH by the time he got to Cop#2. Cop#1 had his plate already so he should have just gone to the guys house and waited and everyone would be ok. At no time does anyone deserve to be hit head on unless they just killed someone else or commited a major crime! Ever heard of an eye for an eye?

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I totally agree that running is bad. The guy is not a criminal because if he is then we all are(Who hasnt broken the law?)! The Passenger has no choice once the chase starts to do anything but hold on and is at no fault. POLICE CANT JUST ATTEMPT TO KILL PEOPLE! Running is bad,but not as bad as a dui or stunting in the middle of traffic with kids around. So the guy ran a red light and decided to run from the Police.At that point the police should just let them go and not give chase! The other cop was in the right place at the right time and if cop #1 never chased the bike wouldnt be doing 100+MPH by the time he got to Cop#2. Cop#1 had his plate already so he should have just gone to the guys house and waited and everyone would be ok. At no time does anyone deserve to be hit head on unless they just killed someone else or commited a major crime! Ever heard of an eye for an eye?

But once he does run it is a Felony and he is a criminal... My question is what was so bad on his record that would cause him to run because of a red light. Maybe he already had warrants for worse or what not.

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Anyone saying he got what he deserved is and arse! At no time does anyone deserve to be hit head on just for a trafic vialation! That is some crap! I have seen this b4,but it makes me more and more mad! The passenger or the rider could have been killed! Hell cops arent allowed to just shoot at you let alone break every bone in ur body! NO ONE DESERVES THIS!

I totally agree!! This is no different than if the cop would have taken out his gun and started shooting at him! That's fucking rediculous and that cop should be in jail. I'd be willing to bet there's a few members of this board who have ditched the cops a time or two, and while it may not be right, do they deserve to die??

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im guilty of running but when i made the decision to flee i knew there would be consiquences, no matter how big or small if i got caught.

Yeah, you knew there would be consequences, but chances are the cop deliberatly trying to kill you wasn't one of them

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as soon as this guy took off it was the officers duty to protect, and make sure no bystanders were hurt. it is a judgement call.

The passenger was a bystander, she had no control over the situation, the officer didnt do too good of a job protecting her.

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WTF... The passenger gave control over to the driver when she got on the bike and he is responsible for her safety. HE SHOULD HAVE STOPPED. When he didnt, it made it his fault and he is responsible. If a cop tries to pull me over in my car with a load of kids in the car and I run and hit a telephone pole at 80 and kill every body in the car then it is my fault for not stopping and breaking the law in the first place. The cop is doing his job and protecting the public. Btw we have NO idea why he didnt stop but he probably had a record or no license and or insurance. That would be his fault because it is the law to have them. Yes we all break the law but when you get caught breaking that law... be a man (or woman) and grow the fuck up and pull over and take your medicine. I have four tickets on my license and I may piss and moan because of getting them but I grow the fuck up, slow down a little and pay the tickets and show up in court.

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WTF... The passenger gave control over to the driver when she got on the bike and he is responsible for her safety. HE SHOULD HAVE STOPPED. When he didnt, it made it his fault and he is responsible. . Yes we all break the law but when you get caught breaking that law... be a man (or woman) and grow the fuck up and pull over and take your medicine. I have four tickets on my license and I may piss and moan because of getting them but I grow the fuck up, slow down a little and pay the tickets and show up in court.

Well I always thought it was a cops job to PROTECT AND SERVE the Public. This also means protect people from themselfs. How is ramming a biker and PASSENGER protecting them????? The passenger didnt sighn a release form when she got on the bike giving the rider full acces to her life. If she wanted off she couldntt just jump and be safe! If it was just the rider i would be a little more ok with this,but a passenger too! Sorry vector,but you shouldnt run on that type of bike because there is no way to safely do it. Also most of the laws in this country were made without motorcycles in mind and therefore are not fair in the first place.

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Btw we have NO idea why he didnt stop but he probably had a record or no license and or insurance. That would be his fault because it is the law to have them.

You're probably right, and as we all know, that is certainly grounds for DEATH..

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