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cop hits a rider head on


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Well I always thought it was a cops job to PROTECT AND SERVE the Public. This also means protect people from themselfs. How is ramming a biker and PASSENGER protecting them????? The passenger didnt sighn a release form when she got on the bike giving the rider full acces to her life. If she wanted off she couldntt just jump and be safe! If it was just the rider i would be a little more ok with this,but a passenger too! Sorry vector,but you shouldnt run on that type of bike because there is no way to safely do it. Also most of the laws in this country were made without motorcycles in mind and therefore are not fair in the first place.

The criminals safety comes third to the general public and then the police officer and then the criminal. She didnt sign a waiver but in court she wouldnt have had to. She willingly got on the bike. That gives the responsibiliity to the driver to be safe. BTW he didnt ram the bike he pulled in front of it. Regardless of what your brain tells you there is no SAFE way

to run from the cops. By definition it isnt safe unless you are in a tank and then ask someone who was in a tank in WW2 about how safe tanks are if some one wants to stop you.

LAWS ARENT ALWAYS FAIR... I drive 60 to 80 thousand miles a year and the cops dont consider that or the fact that I havent had an accident that i was at fault for in nearly half a million miles of driving. I still broke the law.

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LOL zero. Hell why dont they just hang us for everyone to see! That will teach us.

Im all for the hanging in the public square for certain offense but running a red light wouldnt be one of them. Although when you get on a bike and speed you have to know that you are taking a bigger risk than a cager.

He then compounded the risk by running from the cops. Did you notice that the cop stopped him from speeding through another intersection. If he didnt stop him then he could have t-boned a car and hurt someone other than himself.

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LAWS ARENT ALWAYS FAIR... I drive 60 to 80 thousand miles a year and the cops dont consider that or the fact that I havent had an accident that i was at fault for in nearly half a million miles of driving. I still broke the law.

I'm not saying the guy doesn't deserve to be punished. He broke the law and will have to suffer the consequences, but almost being killed at the hand of the officer should not be one of those consequences. What if when you got pulled over for speeding the cop decided to drag you out of your car, mace you and beat the crap out of you? You broke the law right?

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I'm not saying the guy doesn't deserve to be punished. He broke the law and will have to suffer the consequences, but almost being killed at the hand of the officer should not be one of those consequences. What if when you got pulled over for speeding the cop decided to drag you out of your car, mace you and beat the crap out of you? You broke the law right?

The police officer wouldt have a reason to drag me from my car and mace/beat me because I pulled over. He was also in the process of comitting a crime when he was injured. Cops alos shot at armed robbers when they rob a bank. Should they not try to stop the robbery or just let him leave with the money and firing his gun as he left?

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If the guy is shooting, then by all means shoot back. Different crimes demand different actions and tactics to stop them. If the cop was acting reasonable and within guidelines, why was he suspended for 60 days? Again, I'm not saying the guy doesn't deserve punishment, just that what the cop did was wrong.

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he didnt rob a bank, he didnt hurt anyone and he put no one in danger exept the passenger. he did break a minor minor law and was punished like a bank robber with a gun. cop#2 was way out of line pulling out infront of the bike period! Cop #1 should have broke the chase off so that the public would not be in danger. Once a bike runs there is no safe way to chase because of the high acceleration of a bike. So once a bike does run it shold be let go so no innocent person is hurt over a $100 ticket. No ploice chase ever ends in a good way so why are they allowed to do it?????? if they want to serve this country better the cops should focus on real crime and not petty traffic violations by a person a bike. By chasing the bike the cops put the rider/himself/the passenger and general public in danger. If he did not chase there would be no one in danger exept for the original red light violation which didnt hurt anyone.

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You know you guys are right. They should let people just run when they are on a motorcycle. Sure the cops didn't know why he ran over something silly like a running a red light. Here's to hoping he wasn't high, drunk, wanted for rape, murder, child molestation...

Sure the rider immediately put himself, his passenger and the general public in danger by racing away, passing other cars dangerously and blowing through intersections at a high rate of speed. But come one...he's on a motorcycle and we need to make sure little Timmy doesn't hurt himself. They should deploy a special squad that can go to his house (if he can be located) and sit down with him, hold his hand and explain to him why running from the police is bad, bad, bad. They need to make sure they Timmy knows that in this country that you don't have to be responsible for your actions anymore and it's always someone else's fault if something bad happens because you made a bad decision. They can have cookies and milk and laugh the afternoon away...


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You know you guys are right. They should let people just run when they are on a motorcycle. Sure the cops didn't know why he ran over something silly like a running a red light. Here's to hoping he wasn't high, drunk, wanted for rape, murder, child molestation...

Sure the rider immediately put himself, his passenger and the general public in danger by racing away, passing other cars dangerously and blowing through intersections at a high rate of speed. But come one...he's on a motorcycle and we need to make sure little Timmy doesn't hurt himself. They should deploy a special squad that can go to his house (if he can be located) and sit down with him, hold his hand and explain to him why running from the police is bad, bad, bad. They need to make sure they Timmy knows that in this country that you don't have to be responsible for your actions anymore and it's always someone else's fault if something bad happens because you made a bad decision. They can have cookies and milk and laugh the afternoon away...


Maybe a little over the top, but still correct IMO...

Hitting a car ain't as bad as everyone thinks it is....

Remember all of the first one (just wasn't sure on the landing as I was told I landed on my feet, but couldn't Stick It), even seeing the guy's hood as I continued over. 2nd I remember seeing white poke out from between cars then woke up on the road... a day in the Hospital and little bit of PT and was back on track in less then 2 months.

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listen to the applause at the end. now this may have been a little excessive but hey bad guy was put away. like i said he took the chance gambled and lost.

Yeah that's one of my favorites. He's lucky that's all that happened to him. He claimed to have a grenade on him. A lot of places would have put a bullet in him once they saw his hands clear.

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Now that guy had hostages and a grenade. Yes he needed to be stopped. Plus that was not in the us where you will get killed by the cops regardless of the crime.

sometimes a complete idiot on a bike is as good as having a loaded gun pointed at everyone on the road.

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Now that guy had hostages and a grenade. Yes he needed to be stopped. Plus that was not in the us where you will get killed by the cops regardless of the crime.

Oh yes I forgot along with the 10 speeding tickets that I have received I also

received four gun shot wounds.....:monkeypoo:

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You know you guys are right. They should let people just run when they are on a motorcycle. Sure the cops didn't know why he ran over something silly like a running a red light. Here's to hoping he wasn't high, drunk, wanted for rape, murder, child molestation...

Sure the rider immediately put himself, his passenger and the general public in danger by racing away, passing other cars dangerously and blowing through intersections at a high rate of speed. But come one...he's on a motorcycle and we need to make sure little Timmy doesn't hurt himself. They should deploy a special squad that can go to his house (if he can be located) and sit down with him, hold his hand and explain to him why running from the police is bad, bad, bad. They need to make sure they Timmy knows that in this country that you don't have to be responsible for your actions anymore and it's always someone else's fault if something bad happens because you made a bad decision. They can have cookies and milk and laugh the afternoon away...


They should have the government buy him a faster bike so he can get away easier and grant him a green card.


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