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Looking for entry level IT work


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I am looking for an entry level IT job. Has to be full time or contract to hire and in the Cleveland/NEO area. I am currently a systems admin intern working with Windows Server 2003/2008/7 and VMware platforms. Getting very familiar with those. Have some experience with Citrix, Zabbix(probably never heard of this one), Sharepoint, DNS, Microsoft Deployment Toolkit and some other random things I can't remember off the top of my head. Have some experience with cisco routers and switches but would prefer to stay away from that, don't have my CCNA yet anyways. I also do a bit of VBScript, Pearl and batch files.

I have an Associates in Computer Science and working on a Bachelors in Business Management with a focus on Information Systems. Worked in Geek Squad for a year(which I kinda consider equivalent to a Help Desk). I am a very quick learner so even though I may not have experience in something, I am willing to learn.

I would prefer not to do Help Desk because those jobs always seem to lead nowhere but if the pay is right I will consider it. This is not an immediate need so if you know of any future openings, that would be great too. I am just kinda fed up with my boss not seeing my worth and just ignoring me when it comes to promotions. Over heard a phone convo he was having today(he sits 2 cubes down from me) with HR about the the candidate he chose for a job I had interviewed with him for and I could have swore he was talking about me, what he was describing fit me to a T. But then he hangs up and makes another call offering someone the job I interviewed for! Now I wasn't expecting to get this job anyway because I know there are more skillful people than me who applied, but after hearing this other guys experience I am pretty pissed but it made me realize I need to start looking elsewhere.

Edited by JStump
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I'm sure this was a typo on your part, but I'd leave "Windows Server 7" off your resume' since there is no such animal.

Don't dismiss a helpdesk job - if it's a decent company with decent people and you work hard at your job, even if you feel it's "below you" (not your words exactly - I'm reading between the lines), you will be noticed.

Is your current boss normally OK? If so, ask him what you can do to advance/move upward. Remind him, subtly, of what a great employee you are and show that you want to stick around. It's a lot cheaper to keep and train current employees than it is to hire new off the street.

Try some practice cert tests online (google is your friend), see how you do, and if you're passing or close, take some tests. Certs, in IT, are every bit if not more important than a 4 year degree. Experience is still the best, which you're gaining every day. You just need to prove it.

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I'm sure this was a typo on your part, but I'd leave "Windows Server 7" off your resume' since there is no such animal.

Don't dismiss a helpdesk job - if it's a decent company with decent people and you work hard at your job, even if you feel it's "below you" (not your words exactly - I'm reading between the lines), you will be noticed.

Is your current boss normally OK? If so, ask him what you can do to advance/move upward. Remind him, subtly, of what a great employee you are and show that you want to stick around. It's a lot cheaper to keep and train current employees than it is to hire new off the street.

Try some practice cert tests online (google is your friend), see how you do, and if you're passing or close, take some tests. Certs, in IT, are every bit if not more important than a 4 year degree. Experience is still the best, which you're gaining every day. You just need to prove it.

Windows server 7 was named windows server 2008 R2: actually, but yes he might not have realized that.

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No, I don't mean windows server 7, I mean windows server 2003, windows server 2008 and windows 7, just didn't want to repeat windows 3 times and clutter my resume. I probably should reword it though.

And my boss is ok, he has only had his position for like a year he is new at hiring people, I actually may have been the first person he ever hired. But I feel like he is taking advantage of me working almost full time while being paid less than a third of what everyone else makes. I'm cheap labor and do pretty much anything that is asked of me. Why pay me more?

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No, I don't mean windows server 7, I mean windows server 2003, windows server 2008 and windows 7, just didn't want to repeat windows 3 times and clutter my resume. I probably should reword it though.

And my boss is ok, he has only had his position for like a year he is new at hiring people, I actually may have been the first person he ever hired. But I feel like he is taking advantage of me working almost full time while being paid less than a third of what everyone else makes. I'm cheap labor and do pretty much anything that is asked of me. Why pay me more?]

1st off your just an intern

2nd because you cant be an intern all your life

3rd because you'll quit

4th because im assuming you can do the same job for more money elsewhere

5th if your a valuable asset the company they wouldn't want to see you leave

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1st off your just an intern

2nd because you cant be an intern all your life

3rd because you'll quit

4th because im assuming you can do the same job for more money elsewhere

5th if your a valuable asset the company they wouldn't want to see you leave

I don't know what this list is.

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if you've seen his other posts, it makes perfect sense: he is a nonsensical dumbass who entertains... sometimes intentionally, mostly inadvertently.

good luck on the job search. i only know enough compewpewpewter skills to skillfully find the exact porn i want and download it as quickly as can be conveniently done.

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I don't know what this list is.

If you read the bold print or the question you asked 'Why pay me more' those are the reasons... And the first item was stating that your only an intern, which is.why you get paid less.

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Since you say the boss is normally OK, why not ask him for 15 minutes?

Tell him you really wanted the position, you're disappointed, ask what made him choose the other fella instead of you, and what can you (I) do to have a better chance of getting that job the next time it or something like it becomes available?

This way you're showing him your desire to advance, and you're feeding his ego some by asking his advice.

If you don't ask you won't know.

This, naturally, should be done in a positive "hey, help me understand what I can do to go forward and thus help the company" manner, not "ZOMFG I SHOULD HAVE THAT JOB THE DIPSHIT YOU HIRED IS BASICALLY ME!!!!11!!"

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First off, you need to ignore everything that Exarch has and will post in this thread. I've met you, I know you are a smart guy, but I feel this needs to be said.

That out of the way...

Since you say the boss is normally OK, why not ask him for 15 minutes?

Tell him you really wanted the position, you're disappointed, ask what made him choose the other fella instead of you, and what can you (I) do to have a better chance of getting that job the next time it or something like it becomes available?

This way you're showing him your desire to advance, and you're feeding his ego some by asking his advice.

If you don't ask you won't know.

This, naturally, should be done in a positive "hey, help me understand what I can do to go forward and thus help the company" manner, not "ZOMFG I SHOULD HAVE THAT JOB THE DIPSHIT YOU HIRED IS BASICALLY ME!!!!11!!"

btw, if boss man hasn't announced the hiring, you might want to hold off asking questions since you were eavesdropping.

Both of these is how you should be proceeding right now. Your tone during this conversation is CRUCIAL. If you come off as jealous or vindictive, your boss is going to think you're going to jump ship any minute (which, of course, you're getting ready to do anyway) If you come off as Grand Moff Blosser suggests, it'll be a pain-free convo for both of you, and your boss should get the impression that you see what's going on and you're ready for some more responsibility. Now, whether you get the pay that comes with that is the real telling factor of how much they value you there.

All that said, if you want some leads out of there I suggest you start hitting up headhunters like Robert Half, TekSystems, places like that. Be prepared for some interviews that don't go anywhere, and be prepared for some contract positions or contract-to-hire's. Contract-to-hires are very common, that's how we got our Level 2's from my last gig. It gives the hiring company a chance to see what kind of admin you're going to be, and if you don't pan out they can cut you very easily. Get in, bust ass, and get hired on.

I don't know what your timeframe is like, but in this market (and especially in NEO), be prepared to wait a WHILE to find something good. When I left, I was actively looking for 6months before I finally found the gig I'm at now. Windows Server admins, sadly, are pretty much dime-a-dozen, so you'll have to get some good bonafides to stand out. I'd highly consider grabbing your CCNA if you have the time and the inclination, or if the Cisco space isn't where you want to play, learn something complicated in the MS space like SCCM or, if you really want to torture yourself, Sharepoint 2010. :)

Above all, keep your head up. You're a smart guy with a good head on your shoulders, much better than half the dimwits I've worked with through the years. These things take time to work out now, I wish it was like the good-old-days of 2006, but it's not. Make efforts to grow in the gig you have, and if that fails, put your head down, do your job, and start building your skill level. You'll get through this.

Edited by Cheech
Removed the contract bit, you know all that
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FFFFFFF SharePoint 2010.


It uses MS SQL.

Need I say more? Didn't think so.

You like it, you dirty girl. If it's that much of a pain, you can come over to my sandbox and figure out OSPF and BGP border routing with VRF's thrown in just to fuck with you. I swear, some of these network drawings that I've seen look like a 3 year old went apeshit with a crayon.

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Google a company called TeamWork. They allow you to work from home an are based in Toledo. I had a couple friends working there but who've recently left for bigger paychecks now that they have the experience On their resume. 3 people left their group in the last month and haven't been replaced yet

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@cheech so your saying im wrong about windows server 7? am I also wrong about why he should be paid more if he feels he isnt being paid enough? Whats that, no im not wrong? Thanks, I didnt think so either.

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@cheech so your saying im wrong about windows server 7? am I also wrong about why he should be paid more if he feels he isnt being paid enough? Whats that, no im not wrong? Thanks, I didnt think so either.

That's some awesome mental gymnastics there. I'm saying that it sounds to me like your experience in the IT field amounts to roughly fuck-all, and your demonstrated experience (at least on here) with personal and corporate development is less than that.

However, you are not wrong about Windows Server 2008 R2. I honestly don't play in that space anymore so I had to look it up.

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Aside from another "Exarch is king of all and knows everythin!!1111" argument, OP, I have been where you are. I interned with the same company three times before being hired on, and I didn't even get hired into the team I was working with. I was very clear with my boss, my manager, and my director that I was looking to get hired. I had higher performance numbers than every other person on my team, but still didn't get hired. I waited it out and continued to work my butt off. When a job opening got posted on my team they hired on a contractor that had only been there two months (I was going on two years). I was extremely frustrated, but didn't allow it to affect my work. Eventually a job opening got posted on another team that was far better than the position I had been hoping for. I am really glad I was patient and continued to work hard. I completely understand your frustration and I know the feeling. Keep your chin up.

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@cheech so your saying im wrong about windows server 7?...

No, he's not. But I will.

Windows server 7 was named windows server 2008 R2: actually, but yes he might not have realized that.

No. IF you were correct you would still have it backward, but you're not correct.

Server 2008R2 was never announced publicly by the name "Windows Server 7." It might have been called that internally on the dev teams at Microsoft, though. So, if you were on one of those teams then I will cede that you are sorta correct in calling R2 "Server 7."

When the beta was made available to TechNet/MSDN subscribers it was called "Windows Server 2008 R2".

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That's some awesome mental gymnastics there. I'm saying that it sounds to me like your experience in the IT field amounts to roughly fuck-all, and your demonstrated experience (at least on here) with personal and corporate development is less than that.

However, you are not wrong about Windows Server 2008 R2. I honestly don't play in that space anymore so I had to look it up.

IT is one thing I do know, im not saying I know it all, but I have a fair amount of knowledge. Most of it is outdated though, but its just a hobby, nothing serious. I mostly do virus removals, computer building, and trouble shooting for friends and family. I also know redhat, DOS, and some Linux.

I may not take my own advice, but its not like I gave him bad advice. Im not saying it was right of me to explode on my boss either, because it wasn't. But I wouldn't give someone poor advice.just to screw with them.

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IT is one thing I do know, im not saying I know it all, but I have a fair amount of knowledge...I also know redhat, DOS, and some Linux...

Redhat AND Linux?



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Ya know, I shouldn't be all mean and snarky like that.

Pointing out someone's shortcomings does not make me or you a better person - it is only hurtful.

I'm sorry.

Just an f.y.i., Redhat IS Linux. Linux is an operating system.

Analogy: A Chevy is a car. Well, unless it's a truck or a comedian, but I digress. So you basically said "I drive a Chevy and I drive a car."

I prefer #! (Crunchbang) myself. Fork of Debian, uses Openbox as the window manager. But you knew that already, no?

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