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MotoSeries 5/19 and 5/20 (2012) - roll call


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There were 2 serious wrecks out of over 100 riders and a combined thousands of miles at 80+ mph average speeds.

Even ignoring the fact that these were incredibly freak accidents, the overall ratio of crashes per rider per mile is extremely low. Probably lower than most group street rides.

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There were 2 serious wrecks out of over 100 riders and a combined thousands of miles at 80+ mph average speeds.

Even ignoring the fact that these were incredibly freak accidents, the overall ratio of crashes per rider per mile is extremely low. Probably lower than most group street rides.


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that was bogus. I can't believe I resisted the urge to say something snarky to that guy.

1) I followed you for a while before passing you, and if you were "all over the track," it was because the guy in the Scorpion leathers slows down in weird places and you had to avoid hitting him (same thing happened to me)

2) what was he hoping to accomplish by talking to you? Next time, I urge you to say, "yep. I'm all over the place. that's my riding style. You never know what I'm gonna do next, muthafuckah!!!!!" and then kiss him on the mouth. (please for the love of god, actually do this if he ever approaches you again after a race)

3) Other people passed you, and none of them had any complaints about your ability to hold a line.

4) If he was so much faster, it wouldn't have been an issue for him to go around. I know Neyra and Brian came around me like I was standing still, so that means they passed you at some point as well. I doubt you slowed either of them down.

I'll have to take a look at that guy's results from the rest of the weekend. something tells me a bad finish is never his fault :eyeroll:

I remember the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle replica when I saw him and passed him. :D

Wait, maybe it wasn't actually Craig? I mean, this guy was saying he was all over the place and the guy I passed was fine as usual. Nah, couldn't have been Craig. He's a CRAAAAZIEEEE Mofo...

Seriously though, there were SEVERAL Novices that we had issues with through the three races. All the OR guys or others I know were not part of that issue. I think it being the first race weekend, it had a lot of guys nervous and riding with hesitation. I understand that with everything, but the lesson here is that with racing in a not so sure manner, still hold your lines and ride predictable. Like I said, a lot of the novices were good from here or that I know.

I will say one thing to this topic. When the checker comes out, ride somewhat quickly or off to the side if you do not - in practice, ride like it was the first or fourth lap.... Too many of the guys were riding around and all over the track slowly going back to pit. This was a practice issue more than anything as the checkered on the last lap of practice is still wide open. I was on a hot lap on the checkered and almost collected a guy that was sitting up with his hand on his lap like a cool down lap...

In the race, I understand as this old, fat dude was beat also. But, don't run at 30 mph and edge to edge...

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Had a head Dr/Surgeon check me out today. Looks like I have 3 cracked ribs in my back and one on the left side. Standard soreness, bruising up, heat burn in right and cut across my nose from the helmets impact into the ground. Helmet had sever damage to exterior and a cracked interior shell....

See? Take it from the old dude that has seen and been in his share of crashes... When I heard that your chest was sore, I mentioned going to the hospital. Glad ya did and am not shocked to hear you had damage.

I just thought that cut on your nose was from a carpet burn off Craigs trailer floor...:eek:

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There were 2 serious wrecks out of over 100 riders and a combined thousands of miles at 80+ mph average speeds.

Even ignoring the fact that these were incredibly freak accidents, the overall ratio of crashes per rider per mile is extremely low. Probably lower than most group street rides.


Love KTMBRians comment about the floorburn too, that was on Cox's knee from the carpet on my trailer and his facial burns were from Craigs. Dang he gets around. Heard he's sharing a room this week with 2 other dudes too. FACT!

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Seriously though, there were SEVERAL Novices that we had issues with through the three races. All the OR guys or others I know were not part of that issue. I think it being the first race weekend, it had a lot of guys nervous and riding with hesitation. I understand that with everything, but the lesson here is that with racing in a not so sure manner, still hold your lines and ride predictable. Like I said, a lot of the novices were good from here or that I know.

I hope I didnt hold you guys up in the first 600/1000 superbike sprint. I got passed on the last lap by redkow who I had just passed a few laps before, and I was trying desperately to pass him back. In my fury, I missed my 3-2 downshift before turn 13 and was in 3rd gear coming onto the straight. I know you guys were right behind me for the checkered flag and I think at least 2 of you split me coming out of 13. Oops...:o Probably woulnd't be a big deal if it weren't on the last lap.

Edited by TRMN8TR
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I hope I didnt hold you guys up in the first 600/1000 superbike sprint. I got passed on the last lap by redkow who I had just passed a few laps before, and I was trying desperately to pass him back. In my fury, I missed my 3-2 downshift before turn 13 and was in 3rd gear coming onto the straight. I know you guys were right behind me for the checkered flag and I think at least 2 of you split me coming out of 13. Oops...:o Probably woulnd't be a big deal if it weren't on the last lap.

Yeah I caught Neutral coming into 12 vs 2nd and had to stand it up at one point when I was trying to real Nick in and some other guy too. Kept it on the track but didn't help with the position.

Caught the other guy by the caresoul and Nick on the back straight, until he passed me back :(

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sorry i didn't catch up with the OR crew. i was there, but had to park over by the restrooms. madcat did come over before i left to say hey. i ran into some bike issues during the first LW race. i was backfiring all over the place, and had some significant performance issues on the SV. i'm going to replace the plugs, filter, and give the carbs a good cleaning. we'll see if that clears up the issues.

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Would love to get more people to race the endurance classes. Its cheaper if ya split it between three guys. Its a ton of fun and lots of race time. Great for honing your skills because its just pounding out laps. Speed is a by product of consistency... which is what really makes you fast. Would love to see a few newbies get a team together. The grids are pitiful.


I know a certain someone who can weld you and endurance tank...Wink Wink

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Would love to get more people to race the endurance classes. Its cheaper if ya split it between three guys. Its a ton of fun and lots of race time. Great for honing your skills because its just pounding out laps. Speed is a by product of consistency... which is what really makes you fast. Would love to see a few newbies get a team together. The grids are pitiful.


I know a certain someone who can weld you and endurance tank...Wink Wink

Been thinking about this one.... May have a bike a few of us want to look at actually.

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I've definitely been considering it as something to do. A lot of us here on OR run the mini 20. Probably enough of us to make 2-3 endurance teams and we would still have fun running against each other.

I ran a sprint for the first time this weekend and liked that too. Would like to run the 600 superbike sprints, and an endurance after.

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we can put my cbr back together and enduro that, i guess. i really just need to bolt the fairing stay back on and get a new lever and rear set and it should be ready to go.

who wants some?

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