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Alcohol strikes again


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I don't know who was drinking but alcohol and the road never mesh.:(


Deer also are an extreme hazard.

Edited by cornbreadxd
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Had the mother of some girls I grew up with get hit and killed last night. Wont know if alcohol was a factor for another couple weeks. I dont under stand drunk driving. have a beer then head home ok, get shit faced then drive fuck you I hope you end up in prison. I lost two childhood friends to drunk drivers, now the parent of two child hood friends where I spent plenty of time as a kid. Fucking Fuck.

Edited by 4DAIVI PAI2K5
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Sorry for your loss. Its never easy when you loss some one, and when it can be avoided its even harder.

Just glad it hasnt happened to my family. I've chewed my buddies asses for getting drunk and driving on the public roads. Cell phones, everyone has one, use the fucker and call me for a ride. They have since stopped and use taxis or atleast a DD. I can accept people drinking one with dinner then driving, I dont and neither does the State consider that drunk. We all know when we have had to many. Some people are just responsible enough to know not to get drunk and drive.

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I completely agree with you. its to bad some people don't do what is right before its to late. I feel the bars should pull keys or not serve people who are planning on driving.

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