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Apartments or housing for Rent near Kent State


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My little sister is looking for a 1 bed 1 bath place for around $400 a month around the campus. She won't be doing the move until later but what are some good ones that you guys can point out for me?


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Lake Rd or drive has a lot of nice places, not sure of prices though. Know a couple girls that live there now

If I were a single man I'd promptly ask for pics and upon those offer my assistance of helping make sure her move is transitioned easily

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...For the record she has a bf


That's alright, he won't get to the part I use anyway.


Seriously though, I need pics before I can commit to such an undertaking.


(with all due respect and stuff to your sis, her (alleged)bf, you, et al)

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Having played high school football I dealt with this everyday :lol:

No offense taken or will be taken as I have been here long enough to understand who all the "haters" are and what not :rolleyes:

Thanks for the info so far I'll be sure to pass it along :D

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