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How should he be stopped?


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You don't have to watch the whole video but at the end this chase led to the cop having an accident with another driver. Currently in Ohio police are ending chases like this just because they often lead to accidents involving other uninvolved drivers. So, if you could write a law about this sort of motorcyclist how would you want it handled?

Me? 1. I'd require police to maintain speeds under 70 mph. No point in the officer being out of control trying to catch someone he really has no chance of catching. 2. Allow use of spike strips on motorcycles. 3. If the officer has an opportunity to "ditch the bike", do it. If the rider has this much disregard for safety any injury he receives is deserved.

On a side note if you watch it on you tube read the comments. I was surprised to see hardly anyone commenting on the wreckless behavior in the video.:nono:

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Camera, license plate, run out of gas, chopper, etc... All good ways of catching them, but if you think its a good idea to KILL someone for not stopping something is wrong with you. Spike strip/'DITCHING the bike' would more then likely lead to a death(I'm assuming they are speeding pretty bad)...

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Pursuit depends on a lot of different things; what kind d of crime are the wanted for? Considered dangerous? Visibility? Traffic? Identity of suspect known? Operation/speed of suspect vehicle? Basically are the risks in a particular pursuit justified? Which is safer for all...pursuing or letting them get away?

Many departments have policies saying a pursuit is justified if certain criteria are met and how the pursuit will be performed. Some have a top speed, some won't allow road blocks or spike etc. A lot depends on the departments geographical area, their training, vehicles, etc.

No I don't think law makers should make a law based on what looks good on paper. Yes all departments should have policy taken from others experiences.

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Unless he's a murderer, just let it go, if you can get the tags and meet him at home great, but I agree with most of what is said here. No reason to risk anyone's lives over a traffic stop.

Also, spike strips, no dude, what are you trying to kill the guy just cause he's an idiot? That's not how modern society works, next are we gonna start shooting people that make bad decisions, you are sort of saying the same thing. Let's just wreck the guy on the bike and see if he makes it.

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Just playing devils advocate....

So no one ever speeds on a motorcycle and those speeding never have or cause accidents with uninvolved vehicles or pedestrians?

As a speeder who is refusing to stop, is there a difference between how they should treat a motorcyclist vs a car or other offender?

If the license plate was stolen off your bike and the police arrest you, is that fair?

Last, we post hard about increasing fines and penalties for cages who break vehicular laws and cause accidents. Should a speeding motorcycle be subject to the same laws as a cage in circumstances where they attempt to evade police and have a accident resulting in injury?

PS Since Erach never speeds he has no need to respond.

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Also, spike strips, no dude, what are you trying to kill the guy just cause he's an idiot? That's not how modern society works, next are we gonna start shooting people that make bad decisions, you are sort of saying the same thing. Let's just wreck the guy on the bike and see if he makes it.

Isn't the speeding motorcyclist already placing himself at risk for those circumstances? Again devils advocate, If you are willing to push a vehicle to those speeds and increase the possible damage you will suffer in a fuck up, why shouldn't the police make it happen for you and save others from your stupidity? After all if you go thru down town with a gun drawn firing it into the air you will be shot, even though you have not officially shot anyone.

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Isn't the speeding motorcyclist already placing himself at risk for those circumstances?

He's already placing himself at risk riding a motorcycle... as soon as you break any law you should be immediately euthanised, no trial, no jury... break the law you get plugged in the skull, survivors get shot again.

Jaywalker! *bang!*

You didn't file your taxes *bang*

You were not using your headlights while your windsheild wipers were on *boom*

Edited by magley64
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He's already placing himself at risk riding a motorcycle... as soon as you break any law you should be immediately euthanised, no trial, no jury... break the law you get plugged in the skull, survivors get shot again.

Jaywalker! *bang!*

You didn't file your taxes *bang*

You were not using your headlights while your windsheild wipers were on *boom*

Seems extreme but if you go first I'll tell others. :lol:

If no one watched this video to the end let me explain my attitude. In the end, after this motorcyclist "played with the cop" he exited the highway and the officer tried to continue pursuit thru a sharp turn. it ended badly due to another driver t-boning the cop car, I can only imagine the officer or other people were injured from the hit they took. All the comments were about how awsome the guy was and cool it was to see the guy play with the cop.

1. Cop should have known he was being played and reduced speed to take the fun out of it for the biker.

2. It is almost impossible to road block a motorcycle, so even if there had been police up ahead the bike probably would have just gone around them unless a method of ditching the bike was employed.

3. Any stopping method would surely result in some injury to the biker, but how many lives did he put in danger playing this game?

4. Even if the cop had "let him go" there is no telling if the motorcycle would not have continued to drive fast and dangerously to elude any other possible pursuit further endangering others.

There is no doubt as motorcyclists we are far more exposed on our bikes even with the best gear money can buy. It comes down to if this ass wipe had hit another motorcyclist and killed him, where do YOUR sympathies lie?

I don't have a good answer but I definitely am leaning towards the use of force when someone like this guy endangers others for his own stupid pleasure.:nono:

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Seems extreme but if you go first I'll tell others. :lol:

If no one watched this video to the end let me explain my attitude. In the end, after this motorcyclist "played with the cop" he exited the highway and the officer tried to continue pursuit thru a sharp turn. it ended badly due to another driver t-boning the cop car, I can only imagine the officer or other people were injured from the hit they took. All the comments were about how awsome the guy was and cool it was to see the guy play with the cop.

1. Cop should have known he was being played and reduced speed to take the fun out of it for the biker.

2. It is almost impossible to road block a motorcycle, so even if there had been police up ahead the bike probably would have just gone around them unless a method of ditching the bike was employed.

3. Any stopping method would surely result in some injury to the biker, but how many lives did he put in danger playing this game?

4. Even if the cop had "let him go" there is no telling if the motorcycle would not have continued to drive fast and dangerously to elude any other possible pursuit further endangering others.

There is no doubt as motorcyclists we are far more exposed on our bikes even with the best gear money can buy. It comes down to if this ass wipe had hit another motorcyclist and killed him, where do YOUR sympathies lie?

I don't have a good answer but I definitely am leaning towards the use of force when someone like this guy endangers others for his own stupid pleasure.:nono:

I understand exactly what your saying, and I'm not looming at it just from a motorcycle, but from any high performance machine. Yes on a bike its easier to out run a cop car. But if your chances as a Leo to catch anyone running are slim why give chance and risk others getting injured. Now every situation is different but in Tue case of the video you posted that cop should of back out. I go back to the risk vs reward is it really worth the accident when his chances were slim of ever catching the biker and it ended in a accident.

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Isn't the speeding motorcyclist already placing himself at risk for those circumstances? Again devils advocate, If you are willing to push a vehicle to those speeds and increase the possible damage you will suffer in a fuck up, why shouldn't the police make it happen for you and save others from your stupidity? After all if you go thru down town with a gun drawn firing it into the air you will be shot, even though you have not officially shot anyone.

It's not the same thing. If the police don't chase, no one gets hurt, including the idiot on the bike. Going that fast is not showing direct intent to hurt others. Firing a gun irresponsibly is a much different thing.

Look, I'm not for unsafe driving but I have gone pretty fast on the streets and I'm sure a lot of others on here have as well, it's just what some of these bikes do, it doesn't mean I'm out here trying to hurt people and frankly, I don't think the chances of me hurting someone by speeding are super high. Not condoning it, just saying, not really worth pulling the spike strips out or chasing. Guess I'm just looking at the greater good. Sure, we all make choices and a riders choice to run is dumb but law enforcement really should be the cooler head in the situation and make the decision that supports the greater good. If police pull spike strips on an otherwise harmless speeder someone is going to get hurt and if they chase then uninvolved motorists are more likely to get hurt. It's not hard to see.

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I forget where, somewhere like Japan or Singapore. They use large nets across the road to catch them instead of stop sticks. It works really well. Reminds me of last chance arresting gear on carrier decks.

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I like the net idea. :D

Traffic police in Thanh Hoa city, Vietnam, have resorted to a novel, if extreme, way of tackling speeding motorcyclists, according to reports

If a rider fails to stop, the police hurl a fishing net wrapped around a brick to bring the bike to a stop.

According to Vietnamnet.vn, police officers and 150 ‘night watchmen’ in the city are using the nets in areas where bikes have been seen racing or riding dangerously.

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1. Cop should have known he was being played and reduced speed to take the fun out of it for the biker.

2. It is almost impossible to road block a motorcycle, so even if there had been police up ahead the bike probably would have just gone around them unless a method of ditching the bike was employed.

3. Any stopping method would surely result in some injury to the biker, but how many lives did he put in danger playing this game?

4. Even if the cop had "let him go" there is no telling if the motorcycle would not have continued to drive fast and dangerously to elude any other possible pursuit further endangering others.

Officer should have been better trained. Period.

Do the math...if you're the fastest swimmer in your high school, and michael phelps challenges you to chase him in the water, you should realize this is a losing battle, get id the best you can, and call it in.

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Well since he is speeding, I would try and pass a "speed control law". If we lower the speed limit, they will stop traffic crime.

In all seriousness, I'd get his plate number and knock on his front door. Then I'd write him up for every possible offense I could and take him to jail.

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everyone who says get him at home....this situation doesnt apply

for anyone who somehow did not recognize this video, this is a clip from a ghost rider video.....he does this stuff on purpose with the intent of filming it and fucking with the police

he has already publicly revealed his identity (patrick furstenhoff), and due to laws where he lives, you cannot be prosecuted unless caught in the act, even if theres video (no way to prove he is the rider by the video)......the only way they will ever bust him for these videos is if they stop him in the act, which probably means killing him

regardless, i love watching the videos....every squid thinks they can ride like him, but this dude is a pro and i enjoy his videos....reckless? sure, i guess, but at least hes a trained professional

if he was trying to get away, im pretty sure he would have no problem....notice he kept slowing down to get more footage? if thats the bike i think it is, i believe its around 300hp....he has a few, including a 500hp turbo busa

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This moron put many people's lives at risk. The cop should have 'stood down' at some point in this pointless chase. Maybe an 'eye in the sky?' Man this reminds me of how much I love speed. Makes the blood surge, the endorphines go wild.....love it, but only when I am going to be the only one to suffer from a bad outcome. I agree, laws should be consistent for 2 and 4 wheeled vehicles as should enforcement. If a car is going to get the 'spike stik' treatment, lay em for the moron with the 'deathwish' before he 'accidently' causes a deadly accident with a car whose driver is texting.....or whatever. Heck the 'T-bone' accident at the end just shows cage drivers aren't paying too much attention to whats going on around them. All it takes is one....

Once the douchebag is found, he should no longer be able to drive any vehicle legally ever again. Extreme actions merit extreme re actions.

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everyone who says get him at home....this situation doesnt apply

eventually someone has to have air support, right?

he can outrun every cruiser, but the zoom on a chopper camera will be a MUCH larger challenge....

have your air unit coordinate ground units to get ahead of him at gas stations, he's done as soon as he stops for gas or returns home...

3 hour chase tops.

especially if he's got that much power coming out of that thing, and is using it that fast, there is no way he gets 200 miles to a tank.

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eventually someone has to have air support, right?

he can outrun every cruiser, but the zoom on a chopper camera will be a MUCH larger challenge....

have your air unit coordinate ground units to get ahead of him at gas stations, he's done as soon as he stops for gas or returns home...

3 hour chase tops.

especially if he's got that much power coming out of that thing, and is using it that fast, there is no way he gets 200 miles to a tank.

these bikes are 200+mph bikes....on a proper straight away, he would have a chance to ditch a chopper....im assuming by the shitty police cars that they dont even have air support where this was filmed....and if they did, im sure he has a backup plan....chopper is easy to get rid of depending where youre at....how? ride to the airport. chopper wont have authority to invade airspace, thus ending the air pursuit, which would then make it him vs shitty volvo wagon or whatever that thing is.....the guy does this for a living, im sure he has a plan for the situations that apply to him

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