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Man w/ 30 kids wants state help w/ child support


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Here's my question, esp since we on this site are for equal rights. Say a man and women has a one night stand, women gets pregnant. Man says oh no we made a mistake let's get an abortion. Women says no. Ok it takes 2 to to make a baby but 1 to keep? So she decides to keep this baby gets welfare food stamps government housing etc for her and said baby and father of baby has to pay child support for a child he knew would a financial burden on him, her and government. Where's the man's opt out?

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Oh no its a easy one, I have a decent paying job she clamied no income. There's a lot more to the story which I don't care to share.

Well hopefully she at least uses it to care for the children. Sucks that you don't know where they live and don't see them. I couldn't imagine.

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It takes 2 people to have a kid, not 1... If you meet a random slut and get her pregnant, well sorry bout her luck, she shouldn't of banged you or she should of used protection. People are dumb, neither party wants the kid, the mom obviously has no choice(don't even say abortion...) Sure the dad should have to pay, but not some crazy amount. $200 a month is more then plenty to take care of a kid + she is a single mom so she would obviously get government assistance aswell for medical, wic, foodstamps, babysitter, ect...

I'm gonna see if I can pickup chicks w this mentality. Wish me luck!

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

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Here's my question, esp since we on this site are for equal rights. Say a man and women has a one night stand, women gets pregnant. Man says oh no we made a mistake let's get an abortion. Women says no. Ok it takes 2 to to make a baby but 1 to keep? So she decides to keep this baby gets welfare food stamps government housing etc for her and said baby and father of baby has to pay child support for a child he knew would a financial burden on him, her and government. Where's the man's opt out?

The opt out was not to sleep with her in the first place. :dunno:

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and I only get around $10k back in taxes per year.

Remind me to get ahold of you next tax season. I must be doing something wrong. I couldnt come close to that even when i used the whole energy credit for home improvments, itemized deductions plus a dependent.

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Here's my question, esp since we on this site are for equal rights. Say a man and women has a one night stand, women gets pregnant. Man says oh no we made a mistake let's get an abortion. Women says no. Ok it takes 2 to to make a baby but 1 to keep? So she decides to keep this baby gets welfare food stamps government housing etc for her and said baby and father of baby has to pay child support for a child he knew would a financial burden on him, her and government. Where's the man's opt out?

His opt out was to "opt out" of pulling his d*** out. Accident or no, he is a responsible party. What's the alternative? Forced abortion?

In case you're assuming I'm not speaking from experience, I'm speaking as the father of an unplanned child

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

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His opt out was to "opt out" of pulling his d*** out. Accident or no, he is a responsible party. What's the alternative? Forced abortion?

In case you're assuming I'm not speaking from experience, I'm speaking as the father of an unplanned child

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

No not forced abortion. Maybe like a waiver of responsibility.

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That's your financial responsibility...

I think it's redicilous, but what would I know :dunno:

Hell I could support a semi decent life for a family of 4 at $1200 a month if I had to... But jporter thinks that is a very fair price, even if you can't see your kids...

Your situation is exactly what I am talking about and it is a very, very common situation, but I'm a tard for thinking it's not right :dunno: honestly I think you shouldn't have to pay 1 cent if she doesn't want you to see/know where your kids are. People like that need to take 100% responsibility for themselves.

I could never be a judge, they bend you over and ass rape you... I think it is criminal to let shit like this happen. I know my opinion on this forum doesn't matter, especially cuz whatever it is the opposite opinion must be correct... Child support needs to have a cap of like $200 max if you have visitation rights, unless the kid has special needs then that can very, but the person who has the child should pay 80% of the Childs bills.

If there is no visitation rights(except in some cases i.e. abuse, prison, etc.) then no child support should be required. Now if one parent wants nothing to do with the kid, that is their choice, but they should have to still pay the above cap.

Exarch, you fail miserably at reading comprehension. Where did I EVER mention an amount that I thought was fair? Please tell me!

Would it be fair for the father of a child to make $150,000 a year and only pay $100 a month in support, where if the family was still together MUCH more than $100 a month would be coming out of the fathers pay to go for things that the child needs? I know people on both sides of the equation, and in reality it sucks for them all.

Now on the visitation rights stuff, in one of the links that you provided, it states that the CSEA has NOTHING to do with visitation, that is all handled through the courts. Seeing that each case is different, there is not one blanket solution dealing with visitation, support payment amounts, etc...

Another friend of mine was dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, was prepared to pay support, visitation, etc... The mother refused any paternity testing, and someone else claimed the child. He got off scott free, even though that's not what he wanted. There will always be a part of him out there that he has nothing to do with, even if he wanted.

In my family's situation, I'm very grateful for the support that the stepsons dad pays, and that money is not wasted by any stretch of the imagination, it buys about 75% of the food for the household and the medications that they both have to take. He is not carrying any insurance for them, or anything else. He rarely see them, and is not denied time with them. I'm trying to get to the point where we don't need the support payments, and we can save that money to use for the boys, for their futures, such as college savings, etc...

Most of them time that he does see them is when the boys ask, not when he asks. In fact, they ask to see his parents more than they do him. At this point, I probably have more influence on them than anybody, and have had people that have been around them comment on how much better they act since I've been a part of their lives, and I'm sure that their father sees that as well.

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Exarch, you fail miserably at reading comprehension. Where did I EVER mention an amount that I thought was fair? Please tell me!

Would it be fair for the father of a child to make $150,000 a year and only pay $100 a month in support, where if the family was still together MUCH more than $100 a month would be coming out of the fathers pay to go for things that the child needs? I know people on both sides of the equation, and in reality it sucks for them all.

Now on the visitation rights stuff, in one of the links that you provided, it states that the CSEA has NOTHING to do with visitation, that is all handled through the courts. Seeing that each case is different, there is not one blanket solution dealing with visitation, support payment amounts, etc...

Another friend of mine was dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, was prepared to pay support, visitation, etc... The mother refused any paternity testing, and someone else claimed the child. He got off scott free, even though that's not what he wanted. There will always be a part of him out there that he has nothing to do with, even if he wanted.

In my family's situation, I'm very grateful for the support that the stepsons dad pays, and that money is not wasted by any stretch of the imagination, it buys about 75% of the food for the household and the medications that they both have to take. He is not carrying any insurance for them, or anything else. He rarely see them, and is not denied time with them. I'm trying to get to the point where we don't need the support payments, and we can save that money to use for the boys, for their futures, such as college savings, etc...

Most of them time that he does see them is when the boys ask, not when he asks. In fact, they ask to see his parents more than they do him. At this point, I probably have more influence on them than anybody, and have had people that have been around them comment on how much better they act since I've been a part of their lives, and I'm sure that their father sees that as well.

When you said it was their financial responsibility that includes any amount they have to pay. It was implied by the way you worded it ;)

The court usually sets the child support payment amount and visitation rights up, ask me how I know ;) I know the CSEA has nothing to do with visitation rights, I never said it did, I however did say the judge did. The CSEA is just an enforcer...

single and double parent households are different, but lets go with your situation...

Ok you have a stepson and lets say you have 2 other sons from your ex. ok, yall have 3 kids and your getting childsupport off all 3 kids. You can get by just fine right? Now lets say you and your wife had all 3 together... How would you survive? Yall have the same amount of kids, but now you don't have child support...

Do you see where I am coming from? I shouldn't have to explain my point here, it should be obvious.

His opt out was to "opt out" of pulling his d*** out. Accident or no, he is a responsible party. What's the alternative? Forced abortion?

In case you're assuming I'm not speaking from experience, I'm speaking as the father of an unplanned child

Doorfront Parking like a BOSS

NoBama 2012

Yup, I have 1 planned kid and 1 unplanned kid. BC isn't 100% effective, ask me how I know ;) I wouldn't give up my unplanned kid for anything in the world though, he was a blessing in disguise :)

Yes I do understand that but let's flip the positions, man wants baby women has abortion. Can man sue?

His first mistake was having sex in the first place... Don't have sex if you don't want kids...

Remind me to get ahold of you next tax season. I must be doing something wrong. I couldnt come close to that even when i used the whole energy credit for home improvments, itemized deductions plus a dependent.

Just claim your kids, file joint and claim 0. That's all I do, I don't use deductions or anything else. I guess it would also depend on how much you make a year also.

Here's my question, esp since we on this site are for equal rights. Say a man and women has a one night stand, women gets pregnant. Man says oh no we made a mistake let's get an abortion. Women says no. Ok it takes 2 to to make a baby but 1 to keep? So she decides to keep this baby gets welfare food stamps government housing etc for her and said baby and father of baby has to pay child support for a child he knew would a financial burden on him, her and government. Where's the man's opt out?

He gave up his 'out' a few times...

1) having sex and cumming in her(after all, thats how babies are born)

2) not wanting the kid

3) not trying to make it work with the girl

People need to be responsible for their own actions...

Oh no its a easy one, I have a decent paying job she clamied no income. There's a lot more to the story which I don't care to share.

Grap got bent over and took a big one, but obviously in some peoples opinion that is right. I think he should have the right to see his kids or not pay child support. I don't even see how the mom got the kids in this case, grape should have them.

HUH? I don't have an ex! Why would they be supporting me? So if you and your wife divorce she is on her own?

If we divorced I would provide for my kids, unless I have 0 rights to see them, then at that point she should take full responsibility if she didn't want me to have anything to do with them. Now if I chose not to see them then that is my choice and I would still provide for them.

Divorces happen, but who is anyone to deny a parent to see their kid(again not including abuse cases and the alike) that is just sad.

Exarch why do you give $10k a year to the government for their use for free (no intetest). Why not change your witholding, and deposit $750 a month in savings? If you like the lump sum have your wife randomly mail you a check between Jan and Apr.

I claim 0, I like the big tax refund checks over the few hundred they take out of my checks every 2 Weeks. It all comes back the same, some people like to claim the max and only get $2k in Feb/march, but I think of it as a way to save up a large untouchable sum.

Which is it? Pay or don't pay?

Don't twist my words... if you didn't understand the statement about if the other parent refusing to let you see your kids you are blind...

Cap of $200/month max child support? And what are the taxpayers to make up the rest?

So food, diapers, wipes, and formula are the only expenses? :wtf:

How about clothes, bedding, water, electricity, transportation, %of rent/mortage, school supplies, etc, etc, etc.

Oh not commenting on your situation grapesmugler as I don't know the details such as incomes. I don't need or want to know either.

People should be 100% financialy responsible for their dependants. Having 30 kids you can't afford is almost as retarded as exarch.

Transportation? Rent/mortgage? Utilities? Umm, if you can't afford that on your own then you are obviously living way above your means... School supplies and clothes? Umm Walmart and goodwill if you are really that bad off...

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Remind me to get ahold of you next tax season. I must be doing something wrong. I couldnt come close to that even when i used the whole energy credit for home improvments, itemized deductions plus a dependent.

No joke! I ended up owing the last two years somehow....


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I have always got a few hundred back ever since ive had to file as a teenager. It's only been since i had a child that i got more back than 1000. Then to get drilled for a couple G's extra after paying them all year is kinda a surprise.

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I'm making a supposition here, so figger this post is based on zero hard factual data and means doodly. Flame away....

The most likely scenario to this story is that the real crime against society is that the baby mamas also chose to bring a life they couldn't financially support into this world. Pretty damn sure they will be receiving monthly rent subsidies (Sec 8), welfare, food stamps, and Aid to Dependent Children money. The amount of money that comes from federal, state and local agencies must be astounding for this one individual and his 11 beotches.

As a democratic and free republic, it's ridiculous to suggest mandatory sterilization for either, but at some point, society must somehow find a way to stop paying money for people's poor choices. Some here have suggested that ignorance plays a part, but I'm beginnning to wonder who's being played for the fool....

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I whole heartly agree that there are plenty of women out there that take advantage of the system.

So true! But Men as well! :mad: Sorry about your situation.. that is some bullshit, CSEA can tell you where they live, if you want to pursuit it, I know a few good lawyers that worked for me, I am sure they can do just as well for you.

My bestfriend's husband had a 1 nighter, he signed over all his rights, still ordered to pay support though....unless she lets her husband adopt the kid.

I'm still lost on the $200 a month to raise a baby! Babysitters must be free these days... I paid 150 wk for 2, then when the 3rd one came along she still only charged 150 wk (cheapest sitter ever!) WIC? ya, you have to make NO money to get that, same for foodstamps, housing, etc... Not all mothers are welfare trash with those benefits! Seems like your 200 a month plan is encouraging mothers to stay at home jobless and milk the system.

$10,000 tax return? Must be some EIC in there, basically you need to be making under 42,000 a year and popping out the max of 3 kids if you want that.

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