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Shouldn't We Protect Children???


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This article really bothers me for a couple reasons. If this woman did this she is sick, however the writer and editor let information out that will identify the child involved. WTF????? This is a little boy and you don't protect his identity? :confused:

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I don't see how the child could be identified by the info released. The child could reside with his father at a different address or with his mother.
Anyone who knows this woman knows who her boyfriend is, therefore they know who the child is. Plus they gave the street and block where it happened. Yes, maybe you and I won't know, however the members of the communities involved will be able to figure it out. I can only imagine the gossip going on there and this little boy is going to be the one who suffers.
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At 7???? Little man's got skillz.
Exactly. I am not sure what they mean by sex and honestly I hope they don't report anymore details. If this really happened this boy is a victim and should be protected. I would be ok if they said she was charged and left it at that but I don't feel any other details should be released because he is a child. If she is convicted she will be a sex offender and have to report anyway so why drag the child through the mud also?
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Anyone who knows this woman knows who her boyfriend is, therefore they know who the child is. Plus they gave the street and block where it happened. Yes, maybe you and I won't know, however the members of the communities involved will be able to figure it out. I can only imagine the gossip going on there and this little boy is going to be the one who suffers.

Anyone who knows this woman probably already knows who the kid is....

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Anyone who knows this woman probably already knows who the kid is....
Perhaps the family members knew but now EVERYONE knows. If I had a child that was sexually assaulted I know for damn sure I wouldn't be spreading that information all over town and neither would the rest of my family. I am just concerned that now with the media coverage that this boy will endure more pain and humiliation. He is a child!!! What about adults that are stupid enough to have adult conversations in front of children? I bet both neighborhoods mentioned are on fire with the gossip now and children are hearing conversations they should not be hearing. I hope this doesn't make it to the school yard. :(
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Omg....chicken little.....I have my own shit to deal with, don't really care too much about this story, breeding from my heart won't reverse what happened.
Why did you even bother to waste the time to post? What is breeding from your heart? Is that something that the Shaker's tried as a method of procreating since they couldn't "do it"?


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Exactly. I am not sure what they mean by sex and honestly I hope they don't report anymore details. If this really happened this boy is a victim and should be protected. I would be ok if they said she was charged and left it at that but I don't feel any other details should be released because he is a child. If she is convicted she will be a sex offender and have to report anyway so why drag the child through the mud also?

This kind

Alicia Gaston of North Fairmount confessed to engaging in sexual intercourse with the child about 8 p.m. on April 10, 2011
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The male penis can get an erection from the moment the child is born....
Yes, I have seen my five year old with one when he is sleeping... but can a child that young hold an erection to have sex? Hell, I am a girl and don't have one. Plus, if anyone here has experience with that at that young age I don't want to know :eek:
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