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My dad has cancer


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Sorry to his condition has gotten so bad. I sent you a text, let me know if you need anything. Thoughts and prayers sent to your Dad and family. I have been down this road before it sucks for sure, if you need someone to vent to, or talk to hit me up.

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Been there, done that, and it sucks. Its still very hard to think about and always will be. The year between finding that my dad had brain cancer and him dying from it was the hardest year of my life.

Spend as much time as you can with him and keep his spirits up. Use the hospice services. They will make your life so much easier. Get plenty of rest and make sure your mom does the same.

Sorry you have to go through this man, I wouldn't wish your situation on my worst enemy.


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I didn't realize how everyone has been touched by somebody with cancer.

It seems we all carry some baggage about events and lost loved ones with us.

Speedy, I will call ya Saturday, thank you man.

Todays goal is to get dad outside on the deck.

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Man I can relate. Back in '05 I watched my dad succomb to cancer. He found out in Feb and was gone the first week of June. I did spend as much time with him while he was in the university hospital in Ann Arbor, then his last days at home sipping morphine. I'll pray for you and your loved ones.

Hang in there man...

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Cancer sucks man. I watched my grandfather die in hospice. I stayed there for days. My father has a tumor on his liver and some type of cancer that effects his blood. I don't know the exact names because its so hard to hear those words. My throat has been bothering me for over a month now.I remember my grandpa telling me how his throat feels and Im having those same issues.I have no ins so If i have anything I wouldn't know till its too late. I used to smoke ciggs and a mass amount of weed. I have been cigg free for almost 3 years and cut my weed intake down drastically.

In buffalo we have a cancer hospital. So much cancer here its fucking sickening. I can name 10-15 people I know that have died from it. And just today I found out my grandfathers wife has been put in hospice. So now its just a matter of time.

You would think that there would be a manual on how to deal with it. But there isn't and each death is harder on me than the one previous.

Stay strong my man.

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Cancer sure does suck. I kind of went through the same feelings after Dad's death. Really made me very apprehensive about going to the doctor. I only hope if I get it I can deal with it like he did, or like my buddy in New Hampshire.

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Scott if you need help building a ramp or something so you can wheel him out let me know. Just...turn around and ask. I'm 5 feet away.

Thanks man. I am taking some measurements tonight. My plan for tonight is to just carry dad outside, even if it just for 20 minutes. I build the ramp SAturday.

I REALLY REALLY thank everyone that has shared on this thread. This does suck alot, but i am thankful to have the chance to be able to say goodbye.

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Sorry to hear about your dad's situation with cancer. I'm hoping he pulls through and lives a lot longer but make the most of the time you still have with him.

I lost my dad to lung cancer back in '95, he was only 56, and I still think of him almost every day.

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Hi Scott,

I don't know you at all, but I just wanted to post and say that I'm sorry that you're going through this, and to tell you that you're not alone. My family is going through the same thing, my dad is stage 4 non-small lung cancer. We're not as close as it sounds like you and your dad are, but it still sucks. Sorry, man.

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I went through a similar experience with my grandpa in 2008. I don't really know my dad so he was always a father like figure in my life and it was really hard to go day by day like that. Trust that you have all my positive thoughts and wishes for you and your family. Always keep the positive in the forefront of your mind and give thanks everyday you have him around.

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Hi Scott,

I don't know you at all, but I just wanted to post and say that I'm sorry that you're going through this, and to tell you that you're not alone. My family is going through the same thing, my dad is stage 4 non-small lung cancer. We're not as close as it sounds like you and your dad are, but it still sucks. Sorry, man.

Thank you. You might find it helpful to read some of the information on-line at Western Reserve Hospice website. You also need to be strong for family and friends.

THere is no manual for this, just do what you feel is right.

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I am also sending my thoughts and prayers to all those going through cancer related illness or have lost loved ones.

Later in the year I am thinking about having a "Fuck 2012" get together. I am picturing a bon-fire, writing down why 2012 sucked, and burning those notes. Oh, and beverages, if needed.

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I don't think i will post any more in this thread, other then a picture or two. Today was a great day. It was just me and dad. He was awake and alert. We watched some of the Nascar race and some of the horse races. We talked about life and memories. Dad stayed awake with me for 7 hours straight and we talked.

I managed to build some type of ramp that should be good enough. Sunday we will be out on the patio drinking Crown Royal. I think that is the picture I will post.

Thank you everyone for all the kind words and sharing stories.

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I realize most of you don't know me, and I don't know a lot of you. Most will know me as the photographer at the annual Party in January. But I am Scott's wife. I want to thank each and everyone of you for all the posts. They do mean a lot to him. This has been a pretty awful year for both of us, me losing my grandfather just a month ago, among a TON of other crap. We will both be very happy to see 2012 GONE. Thank you everyone, I truly mean it! I'm glad he can come out here and talk to you guys when he's tired of talking to me, his mom and sister... I'm glad he can get some of it off his chest with you guys! Your truly the best!


PS... with all this 'fuck' cancer, I wanted to share a little tidbit from this past week..... I think it was Monday (days are ALL blended now) we were telling him he was sick and the doctors couldn't fix him and god love him, he next comment was.... Fuck them Doctors.. and that is so true to how he is and everything, we all just laughed and cried.... And I wouldn't expect anything less to come out of his mouth......

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Thoughts and prayers for you and your family Scott. My mom has been dealing with Stage 4 breast and bone cancer since 2009, it's been a tough road and I am not looking forward to the day that I have to make some of those tough decisions that I know will need to be made. Like has been said, cherish the time you have left...

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