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Excel birthday reminder


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Can anyone that is familiar with excel write me a code for a birthday reminder for my customers.

I need to list a lot (500+)

Customer name


Customer address

Customer phone number

vehicle bought

Notes of customer

I need this columns so I can easily remember the customer, but only need a birthday reminder.

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I don't think you're using the right program for this. Excel isn't designed to be constantly on and giving reminders, which is essentially what you're looking for it to do. In order to do this there would have to be some VBA macro or program running constantly behind the scenes, and making updates to said spreadsheet would be problematic at best. If you don't have access to Outlook, you'd be much better served with using Google Calendar and some sort of snap-in to it like an Android phone or device to give you reminders from it.

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It depends on the spreadsheet and how you use it. A VBA macro could be written to run on file open (or on demand with a button) to parse the customer birthday data and return values (i.e. customer name) in a dialogue box when today (mm/dd) = customer birthday. Any way you do it, it's not going to be very elegant as Excel is a poor tool for this sort of thing (as mentioned).

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It depends on the spreadsheet and how you use it. A VBA macro could be written to run on file open (or on demand with a button) to parse the customer birthday data and return values (i.e. customer name) in a dialogue box when today (mm/dd) = customer birthday. Any way you do it, it's not going to be very elegant as Excel is a poor tool for this sort of thing (as mentioned).

Yeah, you could have the macro run on open, but it either parses the sheet and runs once (so you'll have to keep doing it every day) or it continually runs and you won't be able to update the sheet itself. Either way, it's a shitty implementation.

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consensus seems to be... there are plenty of free options out there to do this efficiently, don't waste time/effort trying to do it in excel.

store the data in excel, sure, but use something else to give you reminders.

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Yeah, you could have the macro run on open, but it either parses the sheet and runs once (so you'll have to keep doing it every day) or it continually runs and you won't be able to update the sheet itself. Either way, it's a shitty implementation.

If it ran once and done, it would give you all the birthdays for the day which satisfies the requirement. No need to run continuously as once the end of the data is reached it could return the results and exit. I'm assuming the user logs off for the day or shuts down. If not, it's easy to add a macro button they can hit once a day.

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