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Everything posted by izhe4rael

  1. A new thread to talk about stuff that's being talked about in another thread? WTF! This sites a great idea but is bogged down with stupid threads like this.
  2. Android FTW. Only high end new to the market devices. Sounds like you are on Sprint so that means EVO 4g LTE or Galaxy S3. The screen is better on the EVO and HTC is better, meaning faster, about update phones.
  3. Lets see if this works... http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2261/5807801715_2c4fc4e303.jpg
  4. <a href=" " title="63/365: bike at night by izhe4rael, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5093/5496410278_b40082ef28.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="63/365: bike at night"></a>
  5. Having trouble posting. Whats the best way to get images up?
  6. Eddie Murphy said it best, you better not mess around in Texas.
  7. Internships are the key. A degree on its own isn't worth much these days. Gotta gain some experience and get some connections.
  8. izhe4rael

    Saturday 6/23

    I wish but I'm out of town this weekend.
  9. Maybe not this year but in 2011 this happened: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Vancouver_Stanley_Cup_riot Doesn't really seem like a big deal though when you compare it to the LA riots. I still remember seeing footage of the truck driver getting beat down. Sad stuff.
  10. The only time you might need a realtor is if you were searching for a bank owned properties in general. A realtor would then organize a bunch of properties for you to review. Since it sounds like you already have a place in mind you don't really need one. You should be able to call, get basic info and schedule a showing through the person on the sign. If the property is in Franklin County you can also do research through: http://www.franklincountyauditor.com/. There is lots of good information on that site.
  11. Rodney King has followers now? Damn. You don't see white people doing what...breaking the law and then getting the living shit beat out of them. Yeah, your right about that. What do the cops need to get even for? Didn't they get off for the most part? Me thinking everything is about race? Wtf. When did I even say anything about race? You were the first to bring race up.
  12. Original and funny! Definitely Tosh.0 territory, Dave Chappelle could have gotten away with it too.
  13. and the completely unoriginal riot jokes.
  14. According to this list, I've got some work to do.
  15. If he is going to be riding you can get him started on one of these:
  16. Made it home. Great ride for the most part. It was my first, hopefully not my last.
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