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I never understand when people say "i never get a chance to ride". You go places right? I ride to work and back nearly every day. It accounts for more miles than I cover actually riding on the weekends. Anyway, glws.

I wear a suit to work now, and when I sold my street bike, I could dress more casual, but I had 2-3 textbooks and a laptop to haul around. Parking the bike on the street past dark and then riding it home in the dark; it was just more of a hassle than an enjoyment.

I may go back to some weekend street riding, but I know I'll have to schedule it to make it happen.

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Coming from someone that did something similar(sold the RC51) to get a track bike and bigger/better/newer TT for the dirt track races and just good times, it's not a bad thing to do trust me.

Especially having a little one that you want to spend time with. For us, it's about being at the tracks working on cars all day, coming back taking a nap/shower, then working on them all night after the races.

If you have little/no experience with TT's, popups, etc. feel free to get at me and I will help answer/advise in anyway I can. I have a lot of experience fixing shit on them, even when at the race track, and shopped for several campers over the years.

When it sells, and you get serious, if you get something with a bathroom in it, make sure that's the main focus, a big one. Trust me.

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I hope so, I am feeling like it won't sell. I haven't gotten much traffic.. Maybe 6 people but no one has come to see it. :(

That's how Craigslist is, don't worry about it. Remember, no matter how many people DON'T buy it, it only takes ONE person TO buy it :)

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I would buy it in a heart beat cause I have always wanted one.. but I have my heart set on a cruiser right now.. just suits my riding style better these days... Don't worry someone will come along and buy it

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I never understand when people say "i never get a chance to ride". You go places right? I ride to work and back nearly every day. It accounts for more miles than I cover actually riding on the weekends. Anyway, glws.

Commuting on a bike sucks. Mine is a toy and if I'm bored I'm not enjoying it which is why it only comes out mostly for long twisty back road rides. After this weekend at Deals Gap I bet I don't touch it for a month since I'll just be pissed the roads suck up here compared to there

Good luck Holly, I know you'll be back and probably sell it quick

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Commuting on a bike sucks. Mine is a toy and if I'm bored I'm not enjoying it which is why it only comes out mostly for long twisty back road rides. After this weekend at Deals Gap I bet I don't touch it for a month since I'll just be pissed the roads suck up here compared to there

Good luck Holly, I know you'll be back and probably sell it quick

Thanks Brian, I'm hoping I'll be starting another thread soon with the title of "FUCK YEAH BITCHES!" :D

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