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Could anyone identify this helmet?


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I believe it is an Arai. It is probably a replica. It is probably near impossible to get. I figure I'll try. Thanks.


Arai doesn't show this helmet as available. At least here in the US. Might be a Japanese issued lid, but I think it is simply custom painted...

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I diddn't think about it being from another country. I know it isn't available on their US site. I figure it could be a year or two old maybe. Im not thinking that its custom painted, as it has the Arai logo (it looks) on the front. If I was paying or painting a helmet, I wouldnt waste money or time on putting a brand name on a helmet that nice.

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I diddn't think about it being from another country. I know it isn't available on their US site. I figure it could be a year or two old maybe. Im not thinking that its custom painted, as it has the Arai logo (it looks) on the front. If I was paying or painting a helmet, I wouldnt waste money or time on putting a brand name on a helmet that nice.

All my custom helmets had the original logo??? Seen any racer's helmets? They're sponsored, but they run stock logos...

Definately not a Haga replica...

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It's definately an arai. Only suomy makes that same visor lock design, but the vents are identical to the RX7. Very Arai.

There wasn't any question as to if it were an Arai... He was asking if he could get that scheme by buying it... I believe it is custom and not a model available...

It's just an RX-7RR painted... Haga never ran a basic Japanese flag design... Well, it was never a replica produced...

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Thanks for your expertise. I figured it was relatively unobtainable. I guess if I want something like that I will have to go custom.

Honestly, there are a PILE of cooler helmets direct with graphics that look as sick or even sicker than any custom helmet...

However, if you do something custom, send it to a reputable source and you'll be VERY happy with the quality. Who knows? Maybe they will have your design on a helmet someday!! How cool would that be?

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