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Many American Bikers Suffer From Sensenbrenner Syndrome. Do You?


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How can Bikers be "against totalitarian enactments" yet align themselves with the fascist "1%er" stooge who sponsored the most totalitarian act in U.S. history?


Wisconsin's 9th Congressional District morphed into its 5th in 2003, but since 1979 and for almost a quarter century that district has been represented in Washington DC by the same silver spoon politician: United States Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. This district is the home of almost 700,000 of Wisconsin's wealthiest residents and two of Harley-Davidson's primary motorcycle manufacturing facilities - H-D Powertrain Operations in Menomonee Falls, and the H-D Product Development Center in Wauwatosa.

Many Harley riders (including myself) and other Bikers like to think of themselves as defiant examples of personal independence and liberty, and refer to each other as "freedom fighters". There are many so-called motorcyclists' rights organizations (MROs) to exploit that, among them being the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments (ABATE), and the US Defenders. Here are some representative mission statements:

"The mission of the American Motorcyclist Association is to promote the motorcycling lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling."


"To continue developing an aggressive, independent national advocate for the advancement of motorcycling and its associated lifestyle which is financially stable and exceeds the needs of motorcycling enthusiasts."


"ABATE of Wisconsin's goal is to give the motorcyclists of Wisconsin a strong, united voice with regard to their future, their way of life, their safety, and their legal rights as motorcyclists and citizens."


In addition to a common membership base and political message, these MROs also share an affinity for Congressman Sensenbrenner, who due to his portly stature is known to some as "Fat Jim". Here are a couple of their accolades:

"The AMA thanks [sensenbrenner et al] for protecting the motorcycle lifestyle, and encourages motorcyclists in these representative's districts to thank them for their support..."


"Sensenbrenner has redefined what it means to go 'above and beyond'. He has worked tirelessly to protect motorcyclists' rights on every front at the federal level for over 35 years. 'Not only are the motorcyclists of Wisconsin in Mr. Sensenbrenner's debt, every motorcyclist in this country has benefitted from his steadfast support,' said Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs."


So despite the fact the he was an heir to the Kimberly Clark (Kotex) family fortune and born one-percenter - in Occupy Wall Street, not Hells Angels, terms - it certainly sounds like Fat Jim is a champion of democracy and a true defender of the freedoms and liberties cherished so dearly by two-wheeled cowboys from coast to coast, right?


Jim Sensenbrenner sponsored the USA PATRIOT Act (HR3162). Let me repeat that for any leather-covered sons of liberty whose jaws just dropped or eyes glazed over. JIM SENSENBRENNER SPONSORED THE USA PATRIOT ACT:


That's right, all you riders for justice. The man your MRO leaders claim has been defending your "rights on every front at the federal level for over 35 years" has actually been decimating them for much of that time. The Patriot Act he sponsored did more damage to what was once your Constitutionally-guaranteed Bill of Rights than any other bill ever signed into law, and he didn't stop there. He also sponsored the REAL ID Act (HR418) - which turns your state-issued drivers license into a nationwide "homeland security" identity and tracking device - and has been behind a number of other corporate-sponsored Big Brother affronts to personal freedoms, civil liberties and even Internet privacy:


So this flabby lobby-funded frequent-flying fascist (dubbed the little "dictator" by Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi) is who American motorcyclists expect to champion their rights in Washington, huh?


God help them. They must be suffering from Sensenbrenner Syndrome. No, not this one:


The Sensenbrenner Syndrome I refer to is defined crudely as "supporting those who are screwing you". This disease has clearly afflicted a large number of Wild Hogs, and that's sad. What's worse is that the epidemic doesn't end there:

How many fiscal conservatives voted for Bush Era Republicans while they were running up record deficits and wrecking our economy with unsustainable tax cuts and reckless deregulation? How many Koched-up Tea Party Patriots support those very same long-tenured corporate puppets today? And how many anti-war progressives/liberals that voted for "Change" in 2008 are willing to admit that their drone-happy Democratic President Bushbamney has expanded rather than shrunk the American War Machine overseas while doing nothing for the people back home that might alienate his Wall Street masters?

Like Judge Napolitano, I ask: Where are the Jeffersonians? And where is the outrage?





IronBoltBruce via VVV PR ( http://veritasvirtualvengeance.com | @vvvpr )

Related Image 1: http://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/sensenbrenner_0.gif

Related Image 2: http://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/sensenbrenner_1.jpg

Related Image 3: http://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/sensenbrenner_2.jpg

Related Image 4: http://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/sensenbrenner_3.jpg

Related Image 5: http://veritasvirtualvengeance.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/sensenbrenner_4.jpg

Related Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfvg9jCaLz4 *


Tag: #sensenbrenner, #patriotact, #realid, #bikers, #bikersrights, #motorcyclerights, #motorcyclistsrights, #motorcycles, #motorcyclists, #democrats, #republicans, #gop, #demopublicans, #bushbamney, #bush, #obama, #romney, #fascism, #fascists, #kleptocracy, #anonymous, #ows, #911truth, #revolution

Key: sensenbrenner, jim sensenbrenner, patriot act, usa patriot act, real id, bikers, bikers rights, motorcycle checkpoints, motorcycle rights, motorcyclists rights, motorcycles, motorcyclists, democrats, republicans, gop, bushbamney, bush, obama, romney, fascism, fascists, kleptocracy, anonymous, ows, 9/11, 9-11, truth, revolution

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I've denounced my republican associations, and I'm happy to call myself completely independent, though I lean libertarian. I'm not happy with most of what happens in our government. I'm gld there are organizations like the ACLU. I believe most politicians are completely retarded or completely hypocritical.

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gained cred when trolling obvious...

My apologies. I walk a fine line between curmudgeon and troll. Sometimes it is even tough for me to tell.

On a related note: it's been brought up before, but when is the internet going to adopt a universal sarcasm font? This is important.

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Thanks, got it the first time. Maybe I should have included ;-) rather than :D?
^^^ SEE? Sarcasm font needed. srsly.

I did get it, was just carrying on the sarcasm. Or maybe I needed the sarcasm font? :dunno:

Anyhow, I just came in to :shit: on this worthless thread.

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He's my hero that's who he is. Lol Wtf is nothing sacred. The OP shoulda done some research and seen how much the place is geared towards HD riders. That's who he's talking to right? There are only a select few HD guys with skin thick enough to stick around here. He shoulda tried to relate to us by saying he rode a track bike or scooter or was in to being drunk or guns hell any damn thing but an HD sympathizer. I'm not a 1%er I'm 69er.

Ok end of my BS meaningless contribution to this trolling thread.

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My apologies. I walk a fine line between curmudgeon and troll. Sometimes it is even tough for me to tell.

On a related note: it's been brought up before, but when is the internet going to adopt a universal sarcasm font? This is important.

Sarcasm? Shirley I'm never sarcastic <snork>

small letter note: most of everything I say is sarcastic...

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