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I thought our trolls were bad


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I saved the mayor's nephew from a butt-raping, so I can carry whatever I want. Cross me though, and I will shoot you dead center from the second floor. You won't see me watching over you either. I'm that good...:crazy:

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Wow. I'm just picturing some 400 pound dude that plows every last dollar into tacticooling up his Airsoft M4. Of course, SPECOPS and that Gecko dude are the same person. Good find.

The bit about planning on taking MULTIPLE .338 Lapua rounds to the back is LOL-worthy on it's own. If this kid had written this today instead of 2001, I'd bet hard currency he'd be trying to acquire a Juggernaut suit like in MW3 and trying to stop multiple .50 rounds with his face.

Edited by Cheech
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To their credit, I've never been shot at or anally raped at my mall. And not for lack of trying...

Maybe they work in NEO.

Back during Midway's heyday you had a chance. Now, not so much.

If you're feeling frisky, I'm told Great Northern still has some flareups every now and again, or you can just opt for the sure thing and head down to Parmatown. I hear those security guys have their own APC's.

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Back during Midway's heyday you had a chance. Now, not so much.

If you're feeling frisky, I'm told Great Northern still has some flareups every now and again, or you can just opt for the sure thing and head down to Parmatown. I hear those security guys have their own APC's.


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The bit about planning on taking MULTIPLE .338 Lapua rounds to the back is LOL-worthy on it's own. If this kid had written this today instead of 2001, I'd bet hard currency he'd be trying to acquire a Juggernaut suit like in MW3 and trying to stop multiple .50 rounds with his face.

I laughed at that one myself.

"If your plan involves taking multiple .338 Lapua rounds to the back, may I suggest a different plan?"

:bow: epic response.

in reality this guy was just an epic troll and had the virtue of a whole lot of people who weren't used to trolling to work with.

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This guy was on multiple forums doing this. Some of his post made it seem like he had an idea of guns which is scary. I liked where he was talking about taping body armor and an asp on himself.

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in reality this guy was just an epic troll and had the virtue of a whole lot of people who weren't used to trolling to work with.

With enough effort, different story and serious trolling skills that could be done today, and probally on this forum. In less than 1.85 sEconds.on.a.CBR1100XX.while.kicking.it.SidewAyz.doinG.10mpH.in.A.left.Hand.tuRn.And.somehow.Crashing.On.your.RigHt.side.but.you.wouldnt.hear.it.If.you.had.Enough.installation.in.your.Walls

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