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Zimmerman bond hearing is over - Judge to rule soon


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heres the FL stuff....he will get it back....i was thinking of bail bond companies, if you use one in FL they take 15% and its not given back....says he will even get interest on the 100k :wtf:


That's assuming it's not a cash bond. There's cash-only bonds, Surety bonds, OR bonds (Own Recognizance - no $$$) and a couple different other types.

I thought FL state/county criminal Bail Bond premiums were 10%, and Federal/Immigration bonds premiums were 15%...

EDIT: Look here... http://www.bail-florida.com/bail-bond-faq/bail-bond-fees.html

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I wonder how many other people lie about how much money they have when they post bail? If it wasn't all over the news. Nobody would give a shit.All i know and care is how many mile's i am riding tommorow.I think i will go 300 mile's.I hope i am not under oath......Get a life and ride......:eek:

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I wonder how many other people lie about how much money they have when they post bail? If it wasn't all over the news. Nobody would give a shit.All i know and care is how many mile's i am riding tommorow.I think i will go 300 mile's.I hope i am not under oath......Get a life and ride......:eek:

Kinda similar. I've never seen a Public Defender affidavit not have all zeros on it.

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Why is scruit and magley obsessed with this case? Oh wait I know why magley is obsessed with it, still lost on scruit's obsession.

Personally I don't give a shit if he is in jail or out on bond it doesn't affect me. Get the trial over with and move on, although the trial may bot play out all the way for years.

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Why is scruit and magley obsessed with this case? Oh wait I know why magley is obsessed with it, still lost on scruit's obsession.

Personally I don't give a shit if he is in jail or out on bond it doesn't affect me. Get the trial over with and move on, although the trial may bot play out all the way for years.

Then unsubscribe...? :confused:

I went to law school - the process is fascinating to me.

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Aren't we all naturally drawn to news stories that involve our interests? For me that's computers, motorbikes, guns and law. For you that's motorbikes, psychology and gay porn.


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  • 2 weeks later...

And Zimmerman's longtime black friend says he's not racist.

Oh, the drama. Oh the conflicting, desperate media.

The Kangaroo court is reaching bedrock now.

BTW, I molested a Barbie doll when I was 8. Very similar to George I fear, but I made sure that bitch could never talk again.

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And Zimmerman's longtime black friend says he's not racist.

Oh, the drama. Oh the conflicting, desperate media.

The Kangaroo court is reaching bedrock now.

BTW, I molested a Barbie doll when I was 8. Very similar to George I fear, but I made sure that bitch could never talk again.

The horror....


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for 10 years?:nono:

Yes, Barbie and I had a passionate affair. But when I reached voting age, she had to go.

BTW, 8 years old little George I'm very sure wasn't sexually viable. You do know that most children that age fondle and experiment right?

Assuming this "abuse" actually transpired, what did it consist of? Exploration? Touching? Fisting? DP Video sessions?

Yeah, little kids messing around. If it progressed from there, I'm willing to bet that the little girl indulged just the same, and once they reached pubescence, if it continued I would bet it was consentual.

Do you get the feeling that the next bombshell about George is he ripped a mattress tag off and taped a football game without the express written consent of the NFL?? Wouldn't surprise me.

We have someone suddenly announcing that his family didn't like black people

Asked if she could cite a specific instance where Zimmerman expressed racial bias, the witness said she could not recall one, and did not know of specific actions he had taken against black people in the past.

Wow. What news.

Then we get the salacious sexual abuse story on the guy...which might be true, who knows, but 8 years old? Cripes.

The witch hunt is laughable at this point, and kudos to you for staying on point. You've been blind since the start.

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Assuming this "abuse" actually transpired, what did it consist of? Exploration? Touching? Fisting? DP Video sessions?

Yeah, little kids messing around. If it progressed from there, I'm willing to bet that the little girl indulged just the same, and once they reached pubescence, if it continued I would bet it was consentual.

8 and 6, maybe it was nothing, 10 and 8.. ehh, 14, and 12...there could be something, 16 and 14...definitely wrong, 18 and 16...:nono:

but yeah, keep telling yourself "she was asking for it":rolleyes:

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