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Zimmerman bond hearing is over - Judge to rule soon


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8 and 6, maybe it was nothing, 10 and 8.. ehh, 14, and 12...there could be something, 16 and 14...definitely wrong, 18 and 16...:nono:

but yeah, keep telling yourself "she was asking for it":rolleyes:

He should be investigated and potentially prosecuted for that as a separate matter. It's no more relevant to shooting that if Martin had a similar report about him.

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We have someone suddenly announcing that his family didn't like black people

Same girl who is accusing him of molesting her, if I read it correctly.

Z's lawyer argued that she is known for making stuff up - but acknowledged that contact took place. :rolleyes:

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re: Prosecuting him fro abuse... Even if we are to accept the allegation as true, I don't see him being prosecuted. The earlier allegations were in Virginia that has no Statute of Limitations for that type of crime - however at his young age he couldn't be prosecuted anyway. The later allegations (the most egregious of which would be when he was over 16 and she was under 16) took place in Florida, which has a statute of limitations of 3 or 4 years from when the victim turns 18. She is 26, ergo he cannot be prosecuted for those.

The only prosecution I see from this would be if they can prove any crimes occurred in Virginia when he was old enough to be prosecuted for it - even then, he would most likely be tried and sentenced as a juvenile (which he was at the time) - which means that can't hold him past his 21st birthday. Any conviction would hold little or no legal repercussions as his "juvenile" record would be sealed. Best case scenario for prosecutors in Virginia would be if offenses happened there after Z turned 14 and they could make a motion for discretionary transfer to adult court.

Even then it's he-said-she said on the exact instances of abuse in Virginia over the age of 14.

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i wonder... Could the populace ever become so prejudiced by media coverage that an impartial jury simply cannot be seated?

YES, and we could be getting close here. The media has butchered this whole deal!

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YES, and we could be getting close here. The media has butchered this whole deal!

Heard earlier today that the cousin/accuser was shopping her story around to different media outlets.

Shades of Duke Lacrosse.

I hope if GZ comes out of this, he cashes in on the defamation suits against some of the media hacks.

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so he's sorry, but he doesn't regret it and it's all god's fault... yeah that's not contradictory at all...

sounds like something a sane and well adjusted human being would say.

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I took that as him being sorry for the parent's loss, but not regretting the actions that caused the loss.

Z: "Sorry your son is dead, but I don't regret killing him, God made me do it"

G: "No I didn't, I was busy that day giving cancer to children"

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so he's sorry, but he doesn't regret it and it's all god's fault... yeah that's not contradictory at all...

sounds like something a sane and well adjusted human being would say.

Who says you are sane and well adjusted? He didn't say its all God's adult. :nono:

I took that as him being sorry for the parent's loss, but not regretting the actions that caused the loss.

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Yes, that is how I took it listening to the actual interview. Thank you for being sane and rational! :)

Oh and yes I listened to the Sean Hannity show on the evil faux news for once simply to hear Zimmerman in his own words. The question becomes can he prove his story, or disprove the prosecutor's story. Little new was learned except his side of some of the timeline.

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so he's sorry, but he doesn't regret it and it's all god's fault... yeah that's not contradictory at all...

sounds like something a sane and well adjusted human being would say.

You can regret the outcome of something without regretting your actions. I regret that I ran over a dog last month, it's sad, but I don't regret riding or trying to avoid it.

And, this may floor you but some people who believe in God feel that his will is at play even in tragedies, and things happen for a reason that only he understands.

A sand, well-adjusted person would have listened to that and figured it out, but you're eating your own turds at this point in this whole argument.

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you can regret the outcome of something without regretting your actions. I regret that i ran over a dog last month, it's sad, but i don't regret riding or trying to avoid it.

And, this may floor you but some people who believe in god feel that his will is at play even in tragedies, and things happen for a reason that only he understands.

A sand, well-adjusted person would have listened to that and figured it out, but you're eating your own turds at this point in this whole argument.





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And, this may floor you but some people who believe in God feel that his will is at play even in tragedies, and things happen for a reason that only he understands.

Tell that to all those babies born with aids...

"God wants you to be sick and die a painful death"

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Tell that to all those babies born with aids...

"God wants you to be sick and die a painful death"

Tell that to the parents that weren't using safe sex practices. I guess blame the God that you don't believe, its easier than personal responsibility. How did God give these babies aids? Did God force the "parents" with aids to have sex?

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Firstly people have free will.

This is "directly" contradictory to the statement "this was god's plan"

If god planned for Z to kill M, then Z's free will meant nothing, if god DIDN'T plan for Z to kill M, then god's plan meant nothing... the 2 cannot be rectified.

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Did M have free will to break Z's nose and smash Z's head into the concrete? Did Z have free will to defend his life? Assuming Z's story is accurate, which a court hasn't ruled on yet.

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Did M have free will to break Z's nose and smash Z's head into the concrete?

You tell me, was it gods plan or was it free will? if you subscribe to 1, the other means nothing...

I don't pretend to subscribe to the sky fairy, I'm a soft determinist, and subscribe to certain levels of free will.

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You tell me, was it gods plan or was it free will? if you subscribe to 1, the other means nothing...

I don't pretend to subscribe to the sky fairy, I'm a soft determinist, and subscribe to certain levels of free will.

My assumption is that Z believed it was Gods plan for him to be armed to defend himself. Just because God has a plan doesn't mean we follow it. I don't know Gods plan for Z, M, or me.

You ridicule the "sky fairy" all you want.

Worse case scenario the "sky fairy" doesn't exist, and when I die they throw dirt in my face just like they will to you.

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Worse case scenario the "sky fairy" doesn't exist, and when I die they throw dirt in my face just like they will to you.

Pascal's wager, thinly veiled...

Worst case scenario is that there is a god, but its not the one you pray to... then you'll go to that god's version of hell... then what?

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Pascal's wager, thinly veiled...

Worst case scenario is that there is a god, but its not the one you pray to... then you'll go to that god's version of hell... then what?

So it is then, I guess. Would I be in a different position than you? Nope! If that's the case if you die first reserve me a spot next door. :) its called faith for a reason.

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